Standards of Care in infertility in Europe
Evidence-based medicine is the principal approach to medical practice. There are several debatable issues in infertility, which require clarification. Over the past 20 years, reliable methodology has been developed for the management of infertile couples. This includes high quality diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, which are applied in highly specialised infertility centres. The European Board and College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (EBCOG) has published Standards of Care for Women's Health in Europe, which should be the cornerstone for the clinicians and service providers in the European Union to establish common protocols within their centres. Each infertility treatment should result in the highest possible success rate and all appropriate measures for the patient's safety should be in place. The treatment protocols should minimise risk of complications, such as ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS). The current use of GnRH agonists to trigger final follicle maturation has provided the means for avoiding this syndrome. Additionally, multiple pregnancy rates are still high in assisted reproductive technology (ART). These rates should be reduced by the adoption of single embryo transfer during IVF treatment and by the proper monitoring of ovulation induction protocols. EBCOG Standards of Care for infertility and assisted conception treatment derived from the best available evidence should underpin the provision of high quality infertility services in European countries. © 2016 Elsevier Ireland Ltd