Το βόρειον κυκλώπειον τείχος και η εξωτερική αυλή της πύλης των λεόντων

Προβολή/ Άνοιγμα
Μυλωνάς, Γεώργιος Ε.Ημερομηνία
Η εν Αθήναις Αρχαιολογική Εταιρεία
Βιβλιογραφικά στοιχεία
Αρχαιολογική Εφημερίς, 1962, Τόμος 101, 51-73.
Τίτλος περιοδικού
Αρχαιολογική εφημερίς : εκδιδομένη υπό της εν Αθήναις Αρχαιολογικής Εταιρίας
The late Professor A. J. B. Wace, the first to attempt to determine scientifically
the date of the walls of Mycenae, concluded that with the exception of
the Northeast Extension the walls of Mycenae belong to the same period and
could not have been older than the beginning of the fourteenth century B. C.,
that they were built in that century. Since the Lion Gate and the West Cyclopean
Wall seemed to me to be later than the North Cyclopean Wall, I tried to
obtain evidence which would date these structures more accurately. In the summer
of 1958, helped by Dr. Sp. Iacovides, I examined the interstices of its stones
in 11 different sections (Fig. 28, B - A ) in the hope of finding sherds which
could be classified. A good many sherds were found, but they were either too
small or not characteristic of sub - periods; all belonged to LH III. Then we
examined carefully the foundations of the wall (PI. 12α-β) and found that nowhere
clay packing was used as bedding, as it was used in the West Cyclopean
Wall (PI. 13β). At one point (Fig. 28, Z) clay was found covering the
rock from the wall to a distance of 1.10 m. On it was set a three-legged stone phiale used perhaps for offerings (Fig. 29). We may here have a small hypaethral
In the summer of 1959, taking advantage of the restoration work carried
out under the direction of Dr. E. Stikas (PI. 14), we made sections through the
width of the wall at three different areas (Fig. 28, Μ. N. O). Under the supervision
of Dr. Sp. Iacovides the earth covering the ruins of the Wall was removed
first (Fig. 30). Then the stone fill of its core was removed in layers and the
sherds found in it were kept separately; those that found their way from
the top after the abandonment of the Wall (Fig. 33) were eliminated from consideration
; those that could be considered contemporary with its construction were
studied carefully. At the same time the method followed in the construction of
the Wall was studied once more. The large blocks used for the inner and outer
faces of the Wall were laid in a system of stretchers and headers (Figs. 31 and
32). The headers bound the faces to the core of loose stones with which the
area between them was filled.
The most dependable ceramic evidence was obtained in Section N. Some
85 cm. above rock level and 5 cm. above the top of the blocks of the lowermost
course of the outer face of the Wall, among the stones of the core were found
remnants of a fire, forming a regular layer some 10 cm. in depth and containing
bones of a small animal — presumably of a goat — and sherds. Around the
fire other sherds were found. The remnants of the fire could not have penetrated
from above and disposed themselves in a layer; evidently they are the remnants
of a meal prepared and consumed on the spot by the builders of the
Wall. They therefore constitute a «sealed layer» and its sherds date the construction
of the Wall. The painted sherds from the section are illustrated in Figure
34. The upper third of the Figure contains the sherds found in the layer
of the fire. The balance were found on the rock (the middle rows) and behind
the lowermost blocks (the lower third of the Figure). The latest sherds belong
to LH III A-2. To the middle of LH III A therefore, or to ca. 1340-30B.C.,
must be placed the construction of the North Cyclopean Wall.
The Cuter Court of the Lion Gate. The North Cyclopean Wall at its
west end presents a quasi ashlar conglomerate construction, which is continued
around the corner to the south and to the Lion Gate (Fig. 35). This ashlar construction,
the beginning of the West Wall of the citadel, closes the outer court
before the Lion Gate, forming its Fast Wall. In 1955 I observed that the conglomerate
construction was built in front of a Cyclopean wall with which it was
not bound. Before photographs and plans could be made the walls were sealed
and reconstructed. But it was evident that all its preserved conglomerate blocks
were stretchers. This was also noted long ago by Tsountas and Adler and can
be seen in the upper part of Plate 33. This method was not that followed in
the construction of the North Cyclopean Wall (Figs. 31-32), nor in that of the bastion of the Lion Gate, the blocks of which were laid in the usual header and
stretcher technique (PI. 15 α. β). This proves that the conglomerate structure of
the east wall of the court is but a screen built at a later time in front of a preexisting
Cyclopean wall. The examination of the bastion revealed the fact that
its lowermost blocks were laid in a layer of clay and small stones (Figs. 36
and 37 and PI. 16a) while the fill of the court was disturbed in Hellenistic
In the summer of 1958, with the help of T. Leslie Shear, Jr., I cleared
the south end of the Cyclopean wall under consideration to be found behind
the curtain wall of the Lion Gate (Fig. 39 and PI. 17, ε). That end presents
neither a finished terminal, nor a turn to the west, as it would have been the
case if conglomerate and Cyclopean wall were built at the same time. At that
end we found an irregular fill of small stones indicating that at that point the
Cyclopean wall was demolished, its end filled again, and a careless face given to it.
The painted sherds of Figures 40 and 41 found in the section belong almost
in their totality to LH III B and the latest of them belong to the middle of
that ceramic phase. Apparently the rearrangement of the end of the Cyclopean
wall and the building of the conglomerate construction took place around the
middle of LH III B. It seemed clear at the time of the excavation that the Cyclopean
wall — the West wall of the citadel — continued westward while the conglomerate
screen turned south to form the curtain wall of the Lion Gate (PI. 17 a).