Όροι εξ Αττικής (Πίν. 91 )

Προβολή/ Άνοιγμα
Πέππα-Δελμούζου, ΝτίναΗμερομηνία
Υπηρεσία Αρχαιοτήτων και Αναστηλώσεως
Βιβλιογραφικά στοιχεία
Αρχαιολογικόν Δελτίον, 1961/62, Τόμος 17, Μελέται/Μέρος Α’, 215-217.
Τίτλος περιοδικού
Αρχαιολογικόν Δελτίον
I. Two new horoi concerning «άποτίμημα προικός». The first from Μυρρινοϋς
(Merenda), is dated by its letter forms to the second half of the fourth century; the
second from Brauron, records the archon’sname ( restored ) as Πλείσταινος, 141/40.
As the archons hitherto recorded on such horoi span the period from 363/2 to
259/8 ca. ( cfr. Fine, Horoi, Hesperia, Suppl. IX, 1951, p. 26; 48 ), so that this new
horos bears the latest archon’s name as yet known. It is also a new specimen to
help in dating the Attic horos stones in general ( whether bearing the archon’s
name or not) and W. S. Ferguson conclusions (first in Klio, XI, p. 265-276 ) about
the lower limit of the dating must be changed. With the discovering of this horos
from Brauron we have an horos mortgage stone dated securely after the middle of
the 2nd century B. C. (which was considered as the lower limit for the use of horos
mortgage stones — and, perhaps, the time of their abandonment — cfr. Fine, op.
cit., p. 50, 54).
II. Little fragment of inscription found in the excavations at Brauron by the
late General Director of the Archaeological Service J. Papadimitriou; it is a horos
mortgage stone, πρασις έπΐ λύσει, dated by letter forms on the 3rd century B.C.