Anzeige der Dokumente 1-20 von 45

    • Analysis of the quality of reporting of randomized controlled trials in anticoagulant versus antiplatelet medication for venous thromboembolism prophylaxis as governed by the CONSORT statement 

      Beneki E., Vrysis C., Zintzaras E., Doxani C. (2021)
      Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) are the gold standard research in evaluating healthcare interventions. The CONSORT (Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials) statement improves the quality of RCTs in an evidence-based ...
    • Anticoagulant selection in relation to the SAMe-TT2R2 score in patients with atrial fibrillation: The GLORIA-AF registry 

      Ntaios G., Huisman M.V., Diener H.-C., Halperin J.L., Teutsch C., Marler S., Gurusamy V.K., Thompson M., Lip G.Y.H., Olshansky B., Abban D.W., Abdul N., Abud A.M., Adams F., Addala S., Adragão P., Ageno W., Aggarwal R., Agosti S., Agostoni P., Aguilar F., Linares J.A., Aguinaga L., Ahmed J., Aiello A., Ainsworth P., Aiub J.R., Al-Dallow R., Alderson L., Aldrete Velasco J.A., Alexopoulos D., Manterola F.A., Aliyar P., Alonso D., Alves da Costa F.A., Amado J., Amara W., Amelot M., Amjadi N., Ammirati F., Andrade M., Andrawis N., Annoni G., Ansalone G., Ariani M.K., Arias J.C., Armero S., Arora C., Aslam M.S., Asselman M., Audouin P., Augenbraun C., Aydin S., Ayryanova I., Aziz E., Backes L.M., Badings E., Bagni E., Baker S.H., Bala R., Baldi A., Bando S., Banerjee S., Bank A., Esquivias G.B., Barr C., Bartlett M., Kes V.B., Baula G., Behrens S., Bell A., Benedetti R., Mazuecos J.B., Benhalima B., Bergler-Klein J., Berneau J.-B., Bernstein R.A., Berrospi P., Berti S., Berz A., Best E., Bettencourt P., Betzu R., Bhagwat R., Bhatta L., Biscione F., BISIGNANI G., Black T., Bloch M.J., Bloom S., Blumberg E., Bo M., Bøhmer E., Bollmann A., Bongiorni M.G., Boriani G., Boswijk D.J., Bott J., Bottacchi E., Kalan M.B., Bradman D., Brautigam D., Breton N., Brouwers P.J.A.M., Browne K., Cortada J.B., Bruni A., Brunschwig C., Buathier H., Buhl A., Bullinga J., Cabrera J.W., Caccavo A., Cai S., Caine S., Calò L., Calvi V., Sánchez M.C., Candeias R., Capuano V., Capucci A., Caputo R., Rizo T.C., Cardona F., Carlos da Costa Darrieux F., Duarte Vera Y.C., Carolei A., Carreño S., Carvalho P., Cary S., Casu G., Cavallini C., Cayla G., Celentano A., Cha T.-J., Cha K.S., Chae J.K., Chalamidas K., Challappa K., Chand S.P., Chandrashekar H., Chartier L., Chatterjee K., Chavez Ayala C.A., Cheema A., Cheema A., Chen L., Chen S.-A., Chen J.H., Chiang F.-T., Chiarella F., Chih-Chan L., Cho Y.K., Choi J.-I., Choi D.J., Chouinard G., Hoi-Fan Chow D., Chrysos D., Chumakova G., José Roberto Chuquiure Valenzuela E.J., Nica N.C., Cislowski D.J., Clay A., Clifford P., Cohen A., Cohen M., Cohen S., Colivicchi F., Collins R., Colonna P., Compton S., Connolly D., Conti A., Buenostro G.C., Coodley G., Cooper M., Coronel J., Corso G., Sales J.C., Cottin Y., Covalesky J., Cracan A., Crea F., Crean P., Crenshaw J., Cullen T., Darius H., Dary P., Dascotte O., Dauber I., Davalos V., Davies R., Davis G., Davy J.-M., Dayer M., De Biasio M., De Bonis S., De Caterina R., De Franceschi T., de Groot J.R., De Horta J., De La Briolle A., Topete G.D.L.P., Vicenzo de Paola A.A., de Souza W., de Veer A., De Wolf L., Decoulx E., Deepak S., Defaye P., Del-Carpio Munoz F., Brkljacic D.D., Deumite N.J., Di Legge S., Diemberger I., Dietz D., Dionísio P., Dong Q., Rossi dos Santos F., Dotcheva E., Doukky R., D'Souza A., Dubrey S., Ducrocq X., Dupljakov D., Duque M., Dutta D., Duvilla N., Duygun A., Dziewas R., Eaton C.B., Eaves W., Ebels-Tuinbeek L.A., Ehrlich C., Eichinger-Hasenauer S., Eisenberg S.J., El Jabali A., El Shahawy M., Hernandes M.E., Izal A.E., Evonich R., III, Evseeva O., Ezhov A., Fahmy R., Fang Q., Farsad R., Fauchier L., Favale S., Fayard M., Fedele J.L., Fedele F., Fedorishina O., Fera S.R., Gomes Ferreira L.G., Ferreira J., Ferri C., Ferrier A., Ferro H., Finsen A., First B., Fischer S., Fonseca C., Almeida L.F., Forman S., Frandsen B., French W., Friedman K., Friese A., Fruntelata A.G., Fujii S., Fumagalli S., Fundamenski M., Furukawa Y., Gabelmann M., Gabra N., Gadsbøll N., Galinier M., Gammelgaard A., Ganeshkumar P., Gans C., Quintana A.G., Gartenlaub O., Gaspardone A., Genz C., Georger F., Georges J.-L., Georgeson S., Giedrimas E., Gierba M., Ortega I.G., Gillespie E., Giniger A., Giudici M.C., Gkotsis A., Glotzer T.V., Gmehling J., Gniot J., Goethals P., Goldbarg S., Goldberg R., Goldmann B., Golitsyn S., Gómez S., Mesa J.G., Gonzalez V.B., Gonzalez Hermosillo J.A., González López V.M., Gorka H., Gornick C., Gorog D., Gottipaty V., Goube P., Goudevenos I., Graham B., Greer G.S., Gremmler U., Grena P.G., Grond M., Gronda E., Grönefeld G., Gu X., Torres Torres I.G., Guardigli G., Guevara C., Guignier A., Gulizia M., Gumbley M., Günther A., Ha A., Hahalis G., Hakas J., Hall C., Han B., Han S., Hargrove J., Hargroves D., Harris K.B., Haruna T., Hayek E., Healey J., Hearne S., Heffernan M., Heggelund G., Heijmeriks J.A., Hemels M., Hendriks I., Henein S., Her S.-H., Hermany P., Hernández Del Río J.E., Higashino Y., Hill M., Hisadome T., Hishida E., Hoffer E., Hoghton M., Hong K., Hong S.K., Horbach S., Horiuchi M., Hou Y., Hsing J., Huang C.-H., Huckins D., kathy Hughes, Huizinga A., Hulsman E.L., Hung K.-C., Hwang G.-S., Ikpoh M., Imberti D., Ince H., Indolfi C., Inoue S., Irles D., Iseki H., Israel C.N., Iteld B., Iyer V., Jackson-Voyzey E., Jaffrani N., Jäger F., James M., Jang S.-W., Jaramillo N., Jarmukli N., Jeanfreau R.J., Jenkins R.D., Sánchez C.J., Jimenez J., Jobe R., Joen-Jakobsen T., Jones N., Moura Jorge J.C., Jouve B., Jung B.C., Jung K.T., Jung W., Kachkovskiy M., Kafkala K., Kalinina L., Kallmünzer B., Kamali F., Kamo T., Kampus P., Kashou H., Kastrup A., Katsivas A., Kaufman E., Kawai K., Kawajiri K., Kazmierski J.F., Keeling P., Kerr Saraiva J.F., Ketova G., Khaira A.S., Khripun A., Kim D.-I., Kim Y.H., Kim N.H., Kim D.K., Kim J.S., Kim J.S., Kim K.S., Kim J.B., Kinova E., Klein A., Kmetzo J.J., Kneller G.L., Knezevic A., Angela Koh S.M., Koide S., Kollias A., Kooistra J.A., Koons J., Koschutnik M., Kostis W.J., Kovacic D., Kowalczyk J., Koziolova N., Kraft P., Kragten J.A., Krantz M., Krause L., Krenning B.J., Krikke F., Kromhout Z., Krysiak W., Kumar P., Kümler T., Kuniss M., Kuo J.-Y., Küppers A., Kurrelmeyer K., Kwak C.H., Laboulle B., Labovitz A., Lai W.T., Lam A., Lam Y.Y., Zanetti F.L., Landau C., Landini G., Figueiredo E.L., Larsen T., Lavandier K., LeBlanc J., Lee M.H., Lee C.-H., Lehman J., Leitão A., Lellouche N., Lelonek M., Lenarczyk R., Lenderink T., González S.L., Leong-Sit P., Leschke M., Ley N., Li Z., Li X., Li W., Li X., Lichy C., Lieber I., Limon Rodriguez R.H., Lin H., Liu F., Liu H., Esperon G.L., Navarro N.L., Lo E., Lokshyn S., López A., López-Sendón J.L., Lorga Filho A.M., Lorraine R.S., Luengas C.A., Luke R., Luo M., Lupovitch S., Lyrer P., Ma C., Ma G., Madariaga I., Maeno K., Magnin D., Maid G., Mainigi S.K., Makaritsis K., Malhotra R., Manning R., Manolis A., Manrique Hurtado H.A., Mantas I., Jattin F.M., Maqueda V., Marchionni N., Ortuno F.M., Santana A.M., Martinez J., Maskova P., Hernandez N.M., Matsuda K., Maurer T., Mauro C., May E., Mayer N., McClure J., McCormack T., McGarity W., McIntyre H., McLaurin B., Medina Palomino F.A., Melandri F., Meno H., Menzies D., Mercader M., Meyer C., Meyer B.J., Miarka J., Mibach F., Michalski D., Michel P., Chreih R.M., Mikdadi G., Mikus M., Milicic D., Militaru C., Minaie S., Minescu B., Mintale I., Mirault T., Mirro M.J., Mistry D., Miu N.V., Miyamoto N., Moccetti T., Mohammed A., Nor A.M., Mollerus M., Molon G., Mondillo S., Moniz P., Mont L., Montagud V., Montaña O., Monti C., Moretti L., Mori K., Moriarty A., Morka J., Moschini L., Moschos N., Mügge A., Mulhearn T.J., Muresan C., Muriago M., Musial W., Musser C.W., Musumeci F., Nageh T., Nakagawa H., Nakamura Y., Nakayama T., Nam G.-B., Nanna M., Natarajan I., Nayak H.M., Naydenov S., Nazli J., Nechita A.C., Nechvatal L., Negron S.A., Neiman J., Neuenschwander F.C., Neves D., Neykova A., Miguel R.N., Nijmeh G., Nizov A., Campos R.N., Nossan J., Novikova T., Nowalany-Kozielska E., Nsah E., Nunez Fragoso J.C., Nurgalieva S., Nuyens D., Nyvad O., Odin de Los Rios Ibarra M., O'Donnell P., O'Donnell M., Oh S., Oh Y.S., Oh D., O'Hara G., Oikonomou K., Olivares C., Oliver R., Ruiz R.O., Olympios C., Anna omaszuk-Kazberuk, Asensi J.O., eena Padayattil jose, Padilla Padilla F.G., Rios V.P., Pajes G., Pandey A.S., Paparella G., Paris F., Park H.W., Park J.S., Parthenakis F., Passamonti E., Patel R.J., Patel J., Patel M., Patrick J., Jimenez R.P., Paz A., Pengo V., Pentz W., Pérez B., Pérez Ríos A.M., Pérez-Cabezas A., Perlman R., Persic V., Perticone F., Peters T.K., Petkar S., Pezo L.F., Pflücke C., Pham D.N., Phillips R.T., Phlaum S., Pieters D., Pineau J., Pinter A., Pinto F., Pisters R., Pivac N., Pocanic D., Podoleanu C., Politano A., Poljakovic Z., Pollock S., Garcéa J.P., Poppert H., Porcu M., Reino A.P., Prasad N., Précoma D.B., Prelle A., Prodafikas J., Protasov K., Pye M., Qiu Z., Quedillac J.-M., Raev D., Raffo Grado C.A., Rahimi S., Raisaro A., Rama B., Ramos R., Ranieri M., Raposo N., Rashba E., Rauch-Kroehnert U., Reddy R., Renda G., Reza S., Ria L., Richter D., Rickli H., Rieker W., Vera T.R., Ritt L.E., Roberts D., Briones I.R., Rodriguez Escudero A.E., Pascual C.R., Roman M., Romeo F., Ronner E., Roux J.-F., Rozkova N., Rubacek M., Rubalcava F., Russo A.M., Rutgers M.P., Rybak K., Said S., Sakamoto T., Salacata A., Salem A., Bodes R.S., Saltzman M.A., Salvioni A., Vallejo G.S., Fernández M.S., Saporito W.F., Sarikonda K., Sasaoka T., Sati H., Savelieva I., Scala P.-J., Schellinger P., Scherr C., Schmitz L., Schmitz K.-H., Schmitz B., Schnabel T., Schnupp S., Schoeniger P., Schön N., Schwimmbeck P., Seamark C., Searles G., Seidl K.-H., Seidman B., Sek J., Sekaran L., SERRATI C., Shah N., Shah V., Shah A., Shah S., Sharma V.K., Shaw L., Sheikh K.H., Shimizu N., Shimomura H., Shin D.-G., Shin E.-S., Shite J., Sibilio G., Silver F., Sime I., Simmers T.A., Singh N., Siostrzonek P., Smadja D., Smith D.W., Snitman M., Filho D.S., Soda H., Sofley C., Sokal A., Oi Yan Y.S., Sotolongo R., Ferreira de Souza O., Sparby J.A., Spinar J., Sprigings D., Spyropoulos A.C., Stakos D., Steinwender C., Stergiou G., Stiell I., Stoddard M., Stoikov A., Streb W., Styliadis I., Su G., Su X., Sudnik W., Sukles K., Sun X., Swart H., Szavits-Nossan J., Taggeselle J., Takagi Y., Singh Takhar A.P., Tamm A., Tanaka K., Tanawuttiwat T., Tang S., Tang A., Tarsi G., Tassinari T., Tayal A., Tayebjee M., Berg J.M.T., Tesloianu D., The S.H.K., Thomas D., Timsit S., Tobaru T., Tomasik A.R., Torosoff M., Touze E., Trendafilova E., Tsai W.K., Tse H.F., Tsutsui H., Tu T.M., Tuininga Y., Turakhia M., Turk S., Tcurner W., Tveit A., Tytus R., Valadão C., van Bergen P.F.M.M., van de Borne P., van den Berg B.J., van der Zwaan C., Van Eck M., Vanacker P., Vasilev D., Vasilikos V., Vasilyev M., Veerareddy S., Miño M.V., Venkataraman A., Verdecchia P., Versaci F., Vester E.G., Vial H., Victory J., Villamil A., Vincent M., Vlastaris A., Dahl J.V., Vora K., Vranian R.B., Wakefield P., Wang N., Wang M., Wang X., Wang F., Wang T., Warner A.L., Watanabe K., Wei J., Weimar C., Weiner S., Weinrich R., Wen M.-S., Wiemer M., Wiggers P., Wilke A., Williams D., Williams M.L., Witzenbichler B., Wong B., Lawrence Wong K.S., Wozakowska-Kaplon B., Wu S., Wu R.C., Wunderlich S., Wyatt N., Wylie J.J., Xu Y., Xu X., Yamanoue H., Yamashita T., Bryan Yan P.Y., Yang T., Yao J., Yeh K.-H., Yin W.H., Yotov Y., Zahn R., Zarich S., Zenin S., Zeuthen E.L., Zhang H., Zhang D., Zhang X., Zhang P., Zhang J., Zhao S.P., Zhao Y., Zhao Z., Zheng Y., Zhou J., Zimmermann S., Zini A., Zizzo S., Zong W., Zukerman L.S., the GLORIA-AF Investigators (2021)
      Aim: The SAMe-TT2R2 score helps identify patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) likely to have poor anticoagulation control during anticoagulation with vitamin K antagonists (VKA) and those with scores >2 might be better ...
    • Assessment of the reporting quality of RCTs for novel oral anticoagulants in venous thromboembolic disease based on the CONSORT statement 

      Liampas I., Chlinos A., Siokas V., Brotis A., Dardiotis E. (2019)
      Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) are the cornerstone of evidence based medicine. Ιt is crucial that RCTs have transparent reporting to facilitate their interpretation. The purpose of the present study is the evaluation ...
    • Bilateral Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism Due to Right Common Iliac Artery Aneurysm with a Contained Rupture 

      Malli F., Dimeas I.E., Sinis S.I., Karetsi E., Nana P., Kouvelos G., Gourgoulianis K.I. (2022)
      Venous thromboembolism (comprising deep venous thrombosis and/or pulmonary embolism) is a common disease, often of multifactorial cause. Focal iliac artery aneurysms are relatively rare, and only a few reports exist in the ...
    • Bilateral Pleural Effusion in Rheumatoid Arthritis: Think Beyond the Obvious 

      Dimeas I.E., Sinis S.I., Dimeas G.E., Daniil Z. (2022)
      An 86-year-old woman, non-smoker, with a medical history of rheumatoid arthritis for 20 years (stable at 5mg of prednisolone) was referred from a peripheral hospital to the Department of Respiratory Medicine of our tertiary ...
    • Calprotectin in lung diseases 

      Kotsiou O.S., Papagiannis D., Papadopoulou R., Gourgoulianis K.I. (2021)
      Calprotectin (CLP) is a heterodimer formed by two S‐100 calcium‐binding cytosolic pro-teins, S100A8 and S100A9. It is a multifunctional protein expressed mainly by neutrophils and released extracellularly by activated or ...
    • A case of balloon pulmonary angioplasty as a palliative therapy in chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension 

      Sianos G., Giannakoulas G., Konstantinidis N.V., Mouratoglou S.A., Koletas V., Sofidis G., Tzikas A., Giamouzis G., Karvounis H. (2016)
      [No abstract available]
    • Characteristics and outcomes of cancer patients who develop pulmonary embolism: A cross-sectional study 

      Chlapoutakis S., Georgakopoulou V.E., Trakas N., Kouvelos G., Papalexis P., Damaskos C., Sklapani P., Grivas A., Gouveris P., Tryfonopoulos D., Tzovaras A., Ardavanis-Loukeris G., Grouzi E., Spandidos D.A., Matsagkas M. (2021)
      Pulmonary embolism (PE), along with deep vein thrombosis, are collectively known as venous thromboembo- lism (VTE). Predisposing factors for PE include post-operative conditions, pregnancy, cancer and an advanced age; of ...
    • Complexity of persistent type II endoleak associated with sac expansion after endovascular abdominal aortic aneurysm repair 

      Spanos K., Rountas C., Giannoukas A.D. (2015)
      Type II endoleak after endovascular aortic aneurysm repair still remains the Achilles’ heel of the treatment, the source of which regularly is difficult to identify and treat. We present a patient with a persistent type ...
    • Complications Associated with Surgery for Thoracic Disc Herniation: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-Analysis 

      Brotis A.G., Tasiou A., Paterakis K., Tzerefos C., Fountas K.N. (2019)
      Background: A systematic review and network meta-analysis (Prospero ID CRD42018106936) were performed. Objective: The selection of the appropriate surgical approach for the management of thoracic disc herniation (TDH) is ...
    • Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Rivaroxaban for Treatment of Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism in Greece 

      Gourzoulidis G., Kourlaba G., Kakisis J., Matsagkas M., Giannakoulas G., Gourgoulianis K.I., Vassilakopoulos T., Maniadakis N. (2017)
      Background and Objective: Venous thromboembolism (VTE), comprising deep-vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE), is a major healthcare concern that results in substantial morbidity and mortality with great economic ...
    • COVID-19 associated pulmonary embolism with D-dimer values within the referent range: A case report and review of the literature 

      Javorac J., Živanovic D., Stojkov S., Milicic J.D., Fradelos E., Savic N. (2021)
      OBJECTIVE: COVID-19 is associated with an increased incidence of pulmonary embolism (PE). Elevated D-dimer levels are linked to an increased risk of PE and poor clinical outcome. We reported a case of PE in a COVID-19 ...
    • COVID-19 pandemic and cardiovascular disease: where do we stand? 

      Chatzis D.G., Magounaki K.T., Pantazopoulos I.N., Johnson E.O., Tsioufis K.P. (2020)
      Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is the cause of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) which recently has been characterized as a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO) having killed ...
    • D-dimer as a diagnostic tool for canine thromboembolic disorders [Τα Δ-διμερή ως διαγνωστικό μέσο θρομβοεμβολικών διαταραχών στο σκύλο] 

      Giannoulopoulos G.D., Athanasiou L.V., Polizopoulou Z.S. (2017)
      D-dimers are small protein fragments present in the blood after a blood clot is degraded by plasmin. During the fibrin(ogen) degradation, a number of products are produced called fibrin(ogen) degradation products (FDPs). ...
    • Early versus Late initiation of direct oral Anticoagulants in post-ischaemic stroke patients with atrial fibrillatioN (ELAN): Protocol for an international, multicentre, randomised-controlled, two-arm, open, assessor-blinded trial 

      Fischer U., Trelle S., Branca M., Salanti G., Paciaroni M., Ferrari C., Abend S., Beyeler S., Strbian D., Thomalla G., Ntaios G., Bonati L.H., Michel P., Nedeltchev K., Gattringer T., Sandset E.C., Kelly P., Lemmens R., Koga M., Sylaja P.N., de Sousa D.A., Bornstein N.M., Gdovinova Z., Seiffge D.J., Gralla J., Horvath T., Dawson J. (2022)
      Rationale: Direct oral anticoagulants (DOAC) are highly effective in preventing ischaemic strokes in people with atrial fibrillation (AF). However, it is unclear how soon they should be started after acute ischaemic stroke ...
    • Evaluating Alternative Ramucirumab Doses as a Single Agent or with Paclitaxel in Second-Line Treatment of Locally Advanced or Metastatic Gastric/Gastroesophageal Junction Adenocarcinoma: Results from Two Randomized, Open-Label, Phase II Studies 

      Shah M.A., Udrea A.A., Bondarenko I., Mansoor W., Sánchez R.G., Sarosiek T., Bozzarelli S., Schenker M., Gomez-Martin C., Morgan C., Özgüroğlu M., Pikiel J., Kalofonos H.P., Wojcik E., Buchler T., Swinson D., Cicin I., Joseph M., Vynnychenko I., Luft A.V., Enzinger P.C., Salek T., Papandreou C., Tournigand C., Maiello E., Wei R., Ferry D., Gao L., Oliveira J.M., Ajani J.A. (2022)
      Studies JVDB and JVCZ examined alternative ramucirumab dosing regimens as monotherapy or combined with paclitaxel, respectively, in patients with advanced/metastatic gastric/gastroesophageal junction (GEJ) adenocarcinoma. ...
    • Expert consensus statement for the management of patients with embolic stroke of undetermined source and patent foramen ovale: A clinical guide by the working group for stroke of the Hellenic Society of Cardiology and the Hellenic Stroke Organization 

      Ntaios G., Tzikas A., Vavouranakis E., Nikas D., Katsimagklis G., Koroboki E., Manolis A.S., Milionis H., Papadopoulos K., Sideris S., Spengos K., Toutouzas K., Tziakas D., Vassilopoulou S., Kanakakis I., Vemmos K., Tsioufis K. (2020)
      [No abstract available]
    • Frequency and predictors of chemotherapy-associated venous thromboembolism: The prospective PREVENT study 

      Kakkos S.K., Arnaoutoglou E., Tsolakis I.A., Giannoukas A., Papadimitriou C.A., Kentepozidis N., Boukovinas I., Kalofonos H.P., Labropoulos N., Matsagkas M. (2020)
      Background: Our knowledge on the burden of symptomatic and asymptomatic venous thromboembolism (VTE) in patients with cancer undergoing chemotherapy is limited. The aim of our study was to prospectively investigate the ...
    • Laparoscopic Versus Open Right Colectomy for Cancer in the Era of Complete Mesocolic Excision with Central Vascular Ligation: Pathology and Short-Term Outcomes 

      Magouliotis D.E., Baloyiannis I., Mamaloudis I., Bompou E., Papacharalampous C., Tzovaras G.A. (2021)
      Background: Colectomies performed according to complete mesocolic excision with central vascular ligation (CME-CVL) principles have been associated with enhanced oncologic outcomes. Nonetheless, laparoscopic CME-CVL right ...