Simo subcarrier psk fso links with phase noise and non-zero boresight pointing errors over turbulence channels
Terrestrial free-space optical (FSO) communication systems with subcarrier intensity modulation have experienced a particular research attention in the recent past. However, their performance strongly degrades in the presence of atmospheric turbulence, pointing errors, and phase noise impairments. In order to overcome these limitations, the authors consider a receiver diversity scheme of a typical subcarrier phase-shift keying (PSK) system and investigate the performance by means of the average symbol error probability (ASEP). They assume a wide range of turbulence conditions, non-zero boresight pointing errors, and phase noise strengths described through the gamma-gamma, Beckmann, and Tikhonov distributions, respectively. Novel approximate ASEP expressions are derived for single-input single-output and single-input multiple-output (SIMO) configurations. Appropriate numerical results are depicted and validated by Monte Carlo simulations. © The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2019.