Εμφάνιση απλής εγγραφής

dc.creatorSihag P., Mohsenzadeh Karimi S., Angelaki A.en
dc.description.abstractHydraulic conductivity of soil reveals its influencing role in the studies related to management of surface and subsurface flow, e.g. irrigation and drainage projects, and solute mass transport models. Direct measurements of hydraulic conductivity have many difficulties due to spatial variation of the property in the field. Pertaining to this problem, in this study, estimation models have been developed using machine learning methods (M5 tree model and random forest model) in an attempt to estimate the accurate values of unsaturated hydraulic conductivity related to basic soil properties (clay, silt and sand content, bulk density and moisture content). Data set was collected from the experimental measurements of cumulative infiltration using mini disc infiltrometer at the study area (Kurukshetra, India). A multivariate nonlinear regression (MNLR) relationship was derived, and the performance of this model was compared with the machine learning-based models. The evaluation of the results, based on statistical criteria (R2, RMSE, MAE), suggested that random forest regression model is superior in accurate estimations of the unsaturated hydraulic conductivity of field data relative to M5 model tree and MNLR. © 2019, The Author(s).en
dc.sourceApplied Water Scienceen
dc.subjectDecision treesen
dc.subjectHydraulic conductivityen
dc.subjectMachine learningen
dc.subjectRegression analysisen
dc.subjectCumulative infiltrationsen
dc.subjectM5 model treeen
dc.subjectMachine learning methodsen
dc.subjectMultivariate non-linear regressionen
dc.subjectRandom forest modelingen
dc.subjectStatistical criterionen
dc.subjectSurface and subsurface flowen
dc.subjectUnsaturated hydraulic conductivityen
dc.subjectRandom forestsen
dc.subjecthydraulic conductivityen
dc.subjectmachine learningen
dc.subjectmultivariate analysisen
dc.subjectnumerical modelen
dc.subjectregression analysisen
dc.subjectsoil wateren
dc.subjectunsaturated flowen
dc.subjectSpringer Verlagen
dc.titleRandom forest, M5P and regression analysis to estimate the field unsaturated hydraulic conductivityen

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Εμφάνιση απλής εγγραφής