Commercially available sensor-based monitoring and support systems in parkinson's disease: An overview
Parkinson's disease is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder correlating with dysfunction or deprivation of brains dopaminergic neurons, lack of dopamine, and the formation of abnormal protein particles. There are several clinical tests for detection of Parkinson's disease, but nowadays a demand is rising for an objective assessment of symptoms and health-related outcomes. The rapid development of sensor-based technological devices permits conducting measurements without bias that they are able to be used in scientific research and clinical practice. This paper provides a technical overview of the available commercial wearable systems for monitoring and supporting Parkinson's disease management, taking into account their validity and reliability. The understanding of the current state-of-the-art could help patients and clinicians significantly improve Parkinson's disease management by minimizing health care costs and increasing patient's quality of life. © 2021 Bharati Vidyapeeth, New Delhi. Copy Right in Bulk will be transferred to IEEE by Bharati Vidyapeeth.