Marine spatial planning and the Greek experience
The paper focuses on MSP experience and practice in Greece, which is a coastal country with a singularly extended coastline and a highly insular nature. Given these attributes, Greece has long since developed a detailed and regulatory coastal zone planning system which, however, is merely implemented. At the same time, due to the geopolitical conditions with neighboring (non- E.U.) countries, Greece also has a long tradition in sectoral planning in the sea, and great difficulty in adapting to an area-based management approach. Considering these facts, the paper concludes that, unless the EEZ is proclaimed, Greece is very likely to keep a sectoral MSP orientation in the future (with a few exceptions of area-based management in gulfs and sea-lagoons). Another option for area-based MSP is via extension of the existing management units of terrestrial plans up to the territorial waters. Nevertheless, proclamation of the EEZ is also necessary so as integrated MSP takes place at all levels (national, regional and local) and Greece takes full advantage of its crucial geopolitical position. © 2016 Elsevier Ltd