Εμφάνιση απλής εγγραφής

dc.creatorLian J., Liu W., Papadioti I., Chandran S., Verleysen P., Paul G., Richter H., Aravas N., Münstermann S.en
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this study is to investigate the impact of microstructure features on the crashworthiness for automotive high-strength steel sheets by using multiscale modelling approach on different length scales, which provides a toolkit for the further microstructure design to meet the desired improvement of component performance. An extensive experimental program is designed involving various sample geometries that cover a wide range of stress states and tests are performed under quasi-static and high strain rate conditions and up to 2500 s-1 for an automotive dual-phase steel sheet (DP1000). The modified Bai-Wierzbicki (MBW) damage model is extended to a non-local formulation to cope with the simulations for lab and component levels. For the linking between the microstructure and mechanical properties, the representative microstructure model which considers the distributions of grain size, grain shape, crystallographic orientation and misorientation etc., is employed. The bridging between the models at different levels are powered by the virtual experiments and the entire approach is validated by lab-scale experiments and the crash box tests. © 2017 Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. All Rights Reserved.en
dc.sourceICF 2017 - 14th International Conference on Fractureen
dc.subjectDual phase steelen
dc.subjectMechanical propertiesen
dc.subjectSoftware testingen
dc.subjectSteel sheeten
dc.subjectStrain rateen
dc.subjectVirtual realityen
dc.subjectComponent performanceen
dc.subjectCrystallographic orientationsen
dc.subjectDifferent length scaleen
dc.subjectExperimental programen
dc.subjectIntegrated materialsen
dc.subjectMicrostructure and mechanical propertiesen
dc.subjectMicrostructure designen
dc.subjectMultiscale modelling approachen
dc.subjectHigh strength steelen
dc.subjectInternational Conference on Fractureen
dc.titleIntegrated material modelling on the crashworthiness for automotive high-strength steel sheetsen

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Εμφάνιση απλής εγγραφής