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dc.creatorKodounis M., Liampas I.N., Constantinidis T.S., Siokas V., Mentis A.-F.A., Aloizou A.-M., Xiromerisiou G., Zintzaras E., Hadjigeorgiou G.M., Dardiotis E.en
dc.description.abstractBackground-Purpose: It is critical that Randomized Controlled Trials(RCTs) present complete and transparent reporting. The present study aims to determine the reporting quality of double-blind RCTs for medicinal interventions in patients with ischemic stroke, based on the 2010 CONSORT-statement. Methodology: MEDLINE was comprehensively searched. The CONSORT period was demarcated between 2000 and 2019, while compliance ≥75 was defined as good-adequate. Possible determinants were univariately and multivariately examined for associations. Results: Overall, 197 articles were considered eligible, 143 published after and 54 before 2000. CONSORT compliance was 68.11% ± 11.56% (standard deviation) and 55.65% ± 11.57% respectively. Among retrieved articles 56/143(39.16%) and 1/54(1.85%) were rated as of good reporting quality correspondingly [p < .001, OR = 34.115, 95%CI = (4.586, 253.762)]. McNemar's test was indicative of consistency regarding the adequately/inadequately reported items before and after the 2010 CONSORT-revision (p = 1.00). Univariate analysis revealed two significant associations with the reporting quality: high impact factor(IF) [high vs. moderate; p = .007, OR = 3.521, 95%CI = (1.396, 8.879), high vs. low; p < .001, OR = 7.583, 95%CI = (3.063, 18.762), moderate vs. low; p = .078, OR = 2.154, 95%CI = (0.911, 5.093)] and sample size [p < .001, OR = 4.297, 95%CI = (2.081, 8.874)]. Publication period (p = .742) and funding (p = .280) were not significantly associated. Multivariate analysis attenuated the impact of sample size providing insignificant results, whereas the effect of high IF remained significant [moderate vs. high; p = .029, OR = 0.337, 95%CI = (0.127, 0.895), low vs. high; p = .012, OR = 0.199, 95%CI = (0.057, 0.699)]. An exploratory analysis demonstrated significant, weak to moderate, positive linear correlation between reporting quality and IF [Pearson's r = 0.418, p < .001]. Conclusions: Adherence to the CONSORT-statement needs to be further endorsed and incorporated in every journal's instructions-to-authors. © 2020 Elsevier B.V.en
dc.sourceJournal of the Neurological Sciencesen
dc.subjectbrain ischemiaen
dc.subjectclinical assessmenten
dc.subjectMcNemar testen
dc.subjectmultivariate analysisen
dc.subjectoutcome assessmenten
dc.subjectpriority journalen
dc.subjectprotocol complianceen
dc.subjectquality controlen
dc.subjectrandomized controlled trial (topic)en
dc.subjectsample sizeen
dc.subjectsystematic reviewen
dc.subjectbrain ischemiaen
dc.subjectcerebrovascular accidenten
dc.subjectcontrolled studyen
dc.subjectdouble blind procedureen
dc.subjectrandomized controlled trialen
dc.subjectBrain Ischemiaen
dc.subjectDouble-Blind Methoden
dc.subjectIschemic Strokeen
dc.subjectResearch Reporten
dc.subjectElsevier B.V.en
dc.titleAssessment of the reporting quality of double-blind RCTs for ischemic stroke based on the CONSORT statementen

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