Primary thoracic chondrosarcoma with intra-abdominal extension in a renal transplant recipient: A case report
Primary thoracic bone tumors are relatively rare. The most common type is chondrosarcoma, accounting for up to 48% of all cases. Patients with primary thoracic bone tumors commonly present with atypical thoracic pain or a solitary palpable chest mass, which gradually develops over months to years. The bones most often affected are the ribs, scapula, costochondral junctions and the sternum. The present study presents a case of a 79 year old previous transplant recipient with a large intra-abdominally expanding chondrosarcoma originating from the left lower thoracic cage and associated vague abdomdinal symptoms. Early recognition and awareness of atypical presentations of this disease are important in to appropriately guide diagnostic evaluation and therapeutic procedures. © 2020, Spandidos Publications. All rights reserved.