Εμφάνιση απλής εγγραφής

dc.creatorBekiaris I., Papagrigoriou S., Eliou N., Antoniadis C., Kolettis N., Kontolemakis I.en
dc.description.abstractEnvironmental noise mapping as defined in the Directive 2002/49/EC has been incorporated in the Greek legislative framework by the Joint Ministerial Decision (JMD) 13586/724/E/Gaz.no/384/28.3.2006 (Harmonization of the Greek Legislation with the European Directive 2002/49/EC «for the assessment and management of the environmental noise»). The subject and the scope of the present paper is the implementation of the Directive 2002/49/EU for the urban agglomerations of Corfu (Kerkyra) and Agrinio, and is related to environmental noise caused by road traffic and air traffic noise as well as industrial noise (noise from port activities in the urban agglomeration of Corfu (Kerkyra). The methodology that was followed was first to prepare a complete Digital Terrain Model of the two cities and the relevant road axes as well as a detailed survey of all the existing sources of environmental noise: roads, industries, airport and port. In order to calibrate the noise prediction software with the available traffic data 61 24hour acoustical measurements were conducted, 31 in Agrinio and 30 in Corfu with the use of mobile stations. The correlation for both cities proved exceptional. The maps that were prepared concerned the Lden and Lnight indices as they are described in the relevant Directive. Afterwards the population exposure to different noise zones per noise source was calculated as well as the exposure to the combination of all noise sources per city. Especially for the airport noise in Corfu there is a presentation of the population exposure to noise zones due to aircraft noise by using two different prediction models-methodologies. The models used were INM and Cad-naA/IMMI and the noise maps for the indices Lden and Lnight were produced for each model. The exposure of population in noise zones of aircraft noise was calculated for each model and finally there was a comparison between the relevant results.en
dc.sourceICSV 2016 - 23rd International Congress on Sound and Vibration: From Ancient to Modern Acousticsen
dc.subjectComputer aided designen
dc.subjectFighter aircraften
dc.subjectLaws and legislationen
dc.subjectNoise pollutionen
dc.subjectRoads and streetsen
dc.subjectAcoustical measurementsen
dc.subjectDigital terrain modelen
dc.subjectEnvironmental noiseen
dc.subjectEuropean directiveen
dc.subjectLegislative frameworksen
dc.subjectNoise predictionsen
dc.subjectPopulation exposureen
dc.subjectUrban agglomerationsen
dc.subjectAcoustic noiseen
dc.subjectInternational Institute of Acoustics and Vibrationsen
dc.titleStrategic noise mapping of the Greek medium size urban agglomerations of corfu (KERKYRA) and agrinio according to the European directive 2002/49/EU, with emphasis to the int. Airport of corfuen

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Εμφάνιση απλής εγγραφής