Εμφάνιση απλής εγγραφής

dc.creatorDrakouli S., Lyberopoulou A., Papathanassiou M., Mylonis I., Georgatsou E.en
dc.description.abstractScaffold attachment factor B1 (SAFB1) is an integral component of the nuclear matrix of vertebrate cells. It binds to DNA on scaffold/matrix attachment region elements, as well as to RNA and a multitude of different proteins, affecting basic cellular activities such as transcription, splicing and DNA damage repair. In the present study, we show that enhancer of rudimentary homologue (ERH) is a new molecular partner of SAFB1 and its 70% homologous paralogue, scaffold attachment factor B2 (SAFB2). ERH interacts directly in the nucleus with the C-terminal Arg-Gly-rich region of SAFB1/2 and co-localizes with it in the insoluble nuclear fraction. ERH, a small ubiquitous protein with striking homology among species and a unique structure, has also been implicated in fundamental cellular mechanisms. Our functional analyses suggest that the SAFB/ERH interaction does not affect SAFB1/2 function in transcription (e.g. as oestrogen receptor α co-repressors), although it reverses the inhibition exerted by SAFB1/2 on the splicing kinase SR protein kinase 1 (SRPK1), which also binds on the C-terminus of SAFB1/2. Accordingly, ERH silencing decreases lamin B receptor and SR protein phosphorylation, which are major SRPK1 substrates, further substantiating the role of SAFB1 and SAFB2 in the co-ordination of nuclear function. © 2017 Federation of European Biochemical Societiesen
dc.sourceFEBS Journalen
dc.subjectestrogen receptor alphaen
dc.subjectserine arginine rich proteinen
dc.subjectcell cycle proteinen
dc.subjectERH protein, humanen
dc.subjectestrogen receptoren
dc.subjectgreen fluorescent proteinen
dc.subjecthybrid proteinen
dc.subjectmatrix attachment region binding proteinen
dc.subjectnuclear matrix proteinen
dc.subjectpeptide fragmenten
dc.subjectprotein serine threonine kinaseen
dc.subjectSAFB protein, humanen
dc.subjectSAFB2 protein, humanen
dc.subjectserine arginine rich splicing factoren
dc.subjectSRPK1 protein, humanen
dc.subjecttranscription factoren
dc.subjectcarboxy terminal sequenceen
dc.subjectcell nucleus matrixen
dc.subjectcontrolled studyen
dc.subjectERH geneen
dc.subjectgene functionen
dc.subjectgene interactionen
dc.subjectgene locationen
dc.subjectgene silencingen
dc.subjectgenetic transcriptionen
dc.subjecthuman cellen
dc.subjectin vitro studyen
dc.subjectpriority journalen
dc.subjectprotein bindingen
dc.subjectprotein phosphorylationen
dc.subjectprotein structureen
dc.subjectSAFB1 geneen
dc.subjectSAFB2 geneen
dc.subjecttumor suppressor geneen
dc.subjectantagonists and inhibitorsen
dc.subjectfluorescence microscopyen
dc.subjectHEK293 cell lineen
dc.subjectnucleocytoplasmic transporten
dc.subjectprotein domainen
dc.subjectprotein multimerizationen
dc.subjectprotein processingen
dc.subjectreporter geneen
dc.subjectRNA interferenceen
dc.subjecttumor cell lineen
dc.subjecttwo hybrid systemen
dc.subjectActive Transport, Cell Nucleusen
dc.subjectCell Cycle Proteinsen
dc.subjectCell Line, Tumoren
dc.subjectGenes, Reporteren
dc.subjectGreen Fluorescent Proteinsen
dc.subjectHEK293 Cellsen
dc.subjectMatrix Attachment Region Binding Proteinsen
dc.subjectMicroscopy, Fluorescenceen
dc.subjectNuclear Matrix-Associated Proteinsen
dc.subjectPeptide Fragmentsen
dc.subjectProtein Interaction Domains and Motifsen
dc.subjectProtein Multimerizationen
dc.subjectProtein Processing, Post-Translationalen
dc.subjectProtein-Serine-Threonine Kinasesen
dc.subjectReceptors, Estrogenen
dc.subjectRecombinant Fusion Proteinsen
dc.subjectRNA Interferenceen
dc.subjectSerine-Arginine Splicing Factorsen
dc.subjectTranscription Factorsen
dc.subjectTwo-Hybrid System Techniquesen
dc.subjectBlackwell Publishing Ltden
dc.titleEnhancer of rudimentary homologue interacts with scaffold attachment factor B at the nuclear matrix to regulate SR protein phosphorylationen

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Εμφάνιση απλής εγγραφής