Εμφάνιση απλής εγγραφής

dc.creatorRavetz, J.en
dc.creatorCoccossis, H.en
dc.creatorSchleicher-Tappeser, R.en
dc.creatorSteele, P.en
dc.description.abstractEvaluation practice, "regional development" and "sustainability" are each complex and contentious. Each shows rapid trends and transitions, and opportunities to be gained for more integrated governance and regional development. This paper takes a case study approach, based on the "Evaluation Workshop" of the EU thematic network project REGIONET. The case studies each concerned the restructuring and modernization process: one in an industrial conurbation, another in an agricultural region and a third in a peripheral region. For each case study, the workshop sessions explored in depth the current evaluation practice, the technical tools, the social processes and the trends and prospects in sight. The results of this exploration highlight the rapid transitions emerging in several areas - in technical tools, in social participation and in multi-level governance. The implications are for a new kind of evaluation toolkit, a "meta-information system", which helps to link between existing methods and tools. They also point towards an evaluation approach that is based on a proactive "opportunity building", as much as a reactive "impact assessment". © Imperial College Press.en
dc.subjectEvaluation and appraisalen
dc.subjectMulti-level governanceen
dc.subjectRegional developmenten
dc.subjectSustainable developmenten
dc.subjectagricultural landen
dc.subjectenvironmental assessmenten
dc.subjectindustrial districten
dc.subjectperipheral regionen
dc.titleEvaluation of regional sustainable development - Transitions and prospectsen

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Εμφάνιση απλής εγγραφής