Εμφάνιση απλής εγγραφής

dc.creatorPerakis, K. G.en
dc.creatorMoysiadis, A. K.en
dc.description.abstractSources of heterogeneous geospatial data such as the elevation, the slope, the aspect, the water network and the current settlements related to the known Neolithic archaeological sites of Magnesia, are used in an attempt to confirm the existence and allow for the prediction of other archaeological sites using predictive modelling theory. Predictive modelling allows the update of the problem solving strategy as soon as new data layers are available. The Dempster-Shafer Theory also commonly referred to as evidential reasoning (ER) is used to compose probability maps of areas of archaeological interest from physiographical and historical data. The advantage of this theory is that the ignorance is quantified and used to compose the probability maps named as belief, plausibility and belief interval for the archaeological sites. The final digital probability maps show that the Neolithic archaeological sites can be detected in the prefecture of Magnesia. This research study forms a methodological tool for the prediction of new archaeological sites in other areas of archaeological interest according to the physiographical and historical characteristics of the archaeological period being examined. It also contributes to the digital earth modelling and archaeological site protection, one of the most critical and challenging global initiatives.en
dc.source.uri<Go to ISI>://WOS:000299937500004
dc.subjectarchaeological predictive modellingen
dc.subjectDempster-Shafer Theoryen
dc.subjectprobability mapsen
dc.subjectuncertainty visualisationen
dc.subjectGeography, Physicalen
dc.subjectRemote Sensingen
dc.titleGeospatial predictive modelling of the Neolithic archaeological sites of Magnesia in Greeceen

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Εμφάνιση απλής εγγραφής