Zur Kurzanzeige

dc.creatorMagos, K.en
dc.creatorPoliti, F.en
dc.description.abstractAcquisition of the host country's language is a basic requirement for the occupational and social inclusion of immigrants. It has been widely acknowledged that both the teaching and the learning of a second language are substantially improved by the communicative approach. A technique employed by the latter is that of role-play. This technique helps learners, especially immigrants, to practice the new language in real-life communicative situations, to enrich their vocabulary and to develop new skills and attitudes. This article presents the results of research into adult immigrants who learn Greek as a second language. The aim of the research was to identify the dimensions of role-play that facilitate the teaching of a second language to immigrant learners. The role and the attitude of the teacher and the learner, group interactions and the content of teaching are the most important dimensions outlined in the present research. © 2008 SAGE Publications.en
dc.sourceRELC Journalen
dc.subjectImmigrant studenten
dc.subjectIntercultural educationen
dc.subjectRole-play techniqueen
dc.subjectSecond language teachingen
dc.titleThe creative second language lesson: The contribution of the role-play technique to the teaching of a second language in immigrant classesen

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Zur Kurzanzeige