"Directed" Cardioplegia: A New Approach in Myocardial Protection in Left Main Coronary Artery Disease
Kouerinis, I. A.; Palaiologou, M. M.; Argiriou, M.; Dedeilias, P.; Apostolakis, E.; Giannakopoulou, A.; Papadopoulos, G.; Tsilimingas, N.Date
Directed cardioplegia" is a novel approach in myocardial protection in which a certain volume of cardioplegic solution is diverted into a severely diseased coronary artery after surgical occlusion of the other main branches that can be accessed by the surgeon. In this way, the surgeon is able to eliminate the cardioplegic steal from a severely stenosed vessel through other less severely diseased and/or patent arteries during the nonselective antegrade administration of cardioplegia and to protect myocardial regions, which are poorly perfused. We performed this new technique in 2 patients with severe left main coronary artery disease with excellent results.