Prediction of pedigree relationships in durum wheat varieties based on agronomic, morphological and molecular traits
Kotzamanidis, S.; Ipsilandis, C.; Mavromatis, A.; Korkovelos, A.; Lithourgidis, A.; Irakli, M.; Papageorgiou, M.; Roupakias, D.Data
For successful crop improvement, genetic diversity among crossed varieties is fundamental. Generally, varieties exhibiting great genetic distances are less related to each other and their original genetic materials may not have common pedigree. Genetic distances could be estimated by the use of morphological and agronomic traits or various molecular markers. The purpose of this study was to estimate the genetic distances among 10 durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L.) varieties and see whether they could be utilized as prediction criteria for genetic relationships as they are expressed by their pedigree. Genetic distances were estimated based on data from molecular analyses using RAPD and SSR markers, morphological characteristics according to Community Plant Variety Office (CPVO), and various agronomic and quality characteristics (AQC). Clustering of the varieties was based on genetic distances and pairwise comparisons were made among and within the four methods used (i.e. RAPD, SSR, CPVO, AQC) along with the pedigree data. It was concluded that CPVO and AQC data predicted more effectively the genetic relationship, as it is revealed by the pedigrees, as compared to molecular methods based on RAPD and SSR data. Yet, the molecular markers as well as the data from other methods were unreliable for an accurate prediction of the genetic diversity as it is expressed by pedigrees.