Assessing marine ecosystem response to nutrient inputs
The response of the Pagasitikos Gulf to enrichment caused by run-off fertilizers and the development and evolution of harmful algal blooms is investigated through ecosystem modelling. A standard generic complex model has been developed to describe the ecosystem processes of Pagasitikos and has been validated with in situ data. Additionally external nutrient fluxes have been assimilated and incorporated into the ecosystem dynamics. The investigation of spatial effects due to nutrient enrichment is investigated along a North-South transect. When externally forced the model successfully assimilates the external river inputs producing nutrient and chlorophyll-a concentrations, which are in good agreement with the in situ data. The nutrient inputs result in a more stable ecosystem at the north part of the Gulf and in the development of eutrophic conditions. The changes in the ecosystem functioning with emphasis on the nutrient cycling, the increase of primary production, and the modes of operation are investigated and discussed. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.