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dc.creatorAravas, N.en
dc.creatorXu, F.en
dc.creatorSofronis, P.en
dc.creatorNamazifard, A.en
dc.creatorFiedler, R.en
dc.description.abstractSolid propellants are composite materials with complex microstructure. In a generic form, the material consists of polymeric binder, ceramic oxidizer, and fuel particles (e.g. aluminum). Damage induced by severe stress and extreme temperatures is manifested in particle cracking, decohesion along particle/polymer interfaces, and void opening. In this work, the effect of damage due to particle dewetting on the material macroscopic response is investigated by accounting for large deformations. First, issues pertaining to the constitutive behavior of the individual components in the absence of damage are reviewed. Next, with the use of rigorous composite homogenization theory, a macroscopic constitutive law is devised that accounts for continuous void nucleation and growth upon straining. The standard relaxation and uniaxial tension tests are used to calibrate the model parameters. The model is implemented in our Center's finite element code Rocsolid to study damage evolution in the propellant grain of the Titan IV SRMU PQM-1 rocket motor. Copyright © 2005 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. All rights reserved.en
dc.subjectComplex microstructuresen
dc.subjectConstitutive behaviorsen
dc.subjectConstitutive lawen
dc.subjectDamage evolutionen
dc.subjectExtreme temperaturesen
dc.subjectFinite element codesen
dc.subjectFuel particlesen
dc.subjectHomogenization theoryen
dc.subjectIndividual componentsen
dc.subjectLarge deformationsen
dc.subjectMacroscopic responseen
dc.subjectModel parametersen
dc.subjectPolymeric binderen
dc.subjectPropellant grainen
dc.subjectRocket motoren
dc.subjectUniaxial tensionsen
dc.subjectVoid nucleationen
dc.subjectComposite micromechanicsen
dc.subjectRocket enginesen
dc.subjectSolid propellantsen
dc.subjectTensile testingen
dc.subjectSpacecraft propulsionen
dc.titleConstitutive response and damage in solid propellantsen

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