Browsing by Subject "physiology"
Now showing items 1-20 of 408
A 2-month linear periodized resistance exercise training improved musculoskeletal fitness and specific conditioning of navy cadets
(2017)Major objectives of army and navy training are the development of readiness, performance, and injury prevention. Numerous studies have examined the effect of specific strength training (ST) programs on performance of Special ... -
The -938C>A polymorphism in MYD88 is associated with susceptibility to tuberculosis: A pilot study
(2016)Introduction. Tuberculosis (TB) is a major disease worldwide, caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) infection.The Toll- Like Receptor (TLR) pathway plays a crucial role in the recognition of MTB. Aim. The present study ... -
The activity of three glycosidases (β-Ν-acetyloglucosaminidase, α-mannosidase, and β-galactosidase) in the follicular fluid and in the maturation medium affects bovine oocyte maturation
(2016)We studied the role of follicular fluid's (FF) glycosidase (α-mannosidase [α-ΜΑΝ], β-Ν-acetyloglucosaminidase [NAGASE], β-galactosidase [β-GAL]) activity during IVM of bovine oocytes. Oocytes were allocated into two groups ... -
The acute effects of an intense stretch-shortening cycle fatigue protocol on the neuromechanical parameters of lower limbs in men and prepubescent boys
(2018)The study examined the differences between boys and adults after an intense stretch-shortening cycle fatigue protocol on neuromechanical parameters of the lower limb. Thirteen boys (9–11 years old) and 13 adult men ... -
Acute Effects of Vitamin D 3 Supplementation on Muscle Strength in Judoka Athletes: A Randomized Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blind Trial
(2016)Objective: Indoor athletes have been shown to be prone to vitamin D 3 deficiency. The aim of the study was to examine the acute effects of vitamin D supplementation on muscle function using isokinetic dynamometry. Design: ... -
Adiponectin, resistin, and visfatin in childhood obesity and exercise
(2015)Childhood obesity is increasing alarmingly, and a strong association with chronic diseases has been established. Specific adipokines are released from the adipose tissue and relate with chronic diseases even in the pediatric ... -
Advances in understanding the mitogenic, metabolic, and cell death signaling in teleost development: the case of greater amberjack (Seriola dumerili, Risso 1810)
(2022)Cell growth and differentiation signals of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), a key regulator in embryonic and postnatal development, are mediated through the IGF-1 receptor (IGF-1R), which activates several downstream ... -
Aerobic fitness as a parameter of importance for labour loss in the heat
(2021)Objectives: To derive an empirical model for the impact of aerobic fitness (maximal oxygen consumption; V̇O2max in mL∙kg−1∙min−1) on physical work capacity (PWC) in the heat. Design: Prospective, repeated measures. Methods: ... -
Aerobic, resistance and combined training and detraining on body composition, muscle strength, lipid profile and inflammation in coronary artery disease patients
(2016)Fifty-six elderly individuals diagnosed with coronary artery disease participated in the study and were divided into four groups: an aerobic exercise group, a resistance exercise group, a combined (aerobic + resistance) ... -
Age dependence of brachial cuff-based ambulatory PWV in end-stage kidney disease patients undergoing long-term peritoneal dialysis
(2022)Background: The newly introduced device Mobil-O-Graph (IEM, Stolberg, Germany) combines brachial cuff oscillometry and pulse wave analysis, enabling the determination of pulse wave velocity (PWV) via complex mathematic ... -
Age differences in cardiac autonomic regulation during intermittent exercise in the heat
(2020)Purpose: This study aimed to detect potential differences in heart-rate variability (HRV) during a moderate-intensity intermittent exercise in the heat among physically active young (25.8 ± 1.9 years), middle-aged (43.5 ± ... -
Age, human performance, and physical employment standards
(2016)The proportion of older workers has increased substantially in recent years, with over 25% of the Canadian labour force aged ≥55 years. Along with chronological age comes age-related declines in functional capacity associated ... -
Age, sex, adult and larval diet shape starvation resistance in the Mediterranean fruit fly: an ecological and gerontological perspective
(2019)The ability of an animal to withstand periods of food deprivation is a key driver of invasion success (biodiversity), adaptation to new conditions, and a crucial determinant of senescence in populations. Starvation resistance ... -
Aging Impairs Whole-Body Heat Loss in Women under Both Dry and Humid Heat Stress
(2017)Purpose This study was designed to determine whether age-related impairments in whole-body heat loss, which are known to exist in dry heat, also occur in humid heat in women. Methods To evaluate this possibility, 10 young ... -
Allopurinol protects human glomerular endothelial cells from high glucose-induced reactive oxygen species generation, p53 overexpression and endothelial dysfunction
(2018)Purpose: Mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (ROS) overproduction in capillary endothelial cells is a prerequisite for the development of diabetic nephropathy. Inhibition of xanthine oxidase, another ROS generator, ... -
Alterations in hearing function of patients with glucose disorders
(2019)Objective: To study the prevalence of hearing impairment in patients with various glucose disorders. Patients and methods: A total of 499 individuals were studied, 51 patients with type 1 (TIDM), 188 patients with type 2 ... -
Anosmic flies: what Orco silencing does to olive fruit flies
(2020)Background: The olive fruit fly (Bactrocera oleae) is the most destructive pest of the olive cultivation worldwide causing significant production losses and olive fruit impoverishment, as its larvae feed exclusively on the ... -
Anti-apoptotic and antioxidant activities of the mitochondrial estrogen receptor beta in n2a neuroblastoma cells
(2021)Estrogens are steroid hormones that play a crucial role in the regulation of the reproductive and non-reproductive system physiology. Among non-reproductive systems, the nervous system is mainly affected by estrogens due ... -
Anti-MCV antibodies predict radiographic progression in Greek patients with very early (<3 months duration) rheumatoid arthritis
(2017)This study aimed to assess the diagnostic and prognostic value of anti-mutated citrullinated vimentin (MCV) antibodies in very early rheumatoid arthritis (VERA) and in established rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Seventy-one ... -
Anti-platelet effects of vitamin supplements in age-related macular degeneration: an in vitro study
(2018)Objective: The purpose of this experimental study was to investigate the role of vitamin supplements (Ocuvite, Vitalux Omega, and Nutrof Total) as possible inhibitors of the onset of age-related macular degeneration (AMD). ...