Now showing items 1-20 of 71

    • AgroNIT: Innovating Precision Agriculture 

      Moutsinas I., Kalkanof A., Mavridis J., Zafeiris V., Oikonomou F., Tziokas G., Themelis K., Kyriakou K., Theologou C., Serafeim A., Apostolaras A., Maletsika P., Nanos G.D., Korakis T. (2022)
      Major global concerns considering food production include, not only meeting the increasing food demand but also meeting challenges that put significantly less strain on the environment, safeguard food quality and prevent ...
    • Auction-based scheduling of wireless testbed resources 

      Niavis, H.; Choumas, K.; Iosifidis, G.; Korakis, T.; Tassiulas, L. (2014)
      Experimentation in testbeds is gaining increasing ground as a necessary validation step for every theoretical study in communication networks. However, the first-come-first-served policy employed today by most testbeds ...
    • Auction-based scheduling of wireless testbed resources 

      Niavis H., Choumas K., Iosifidis G., Korakis T., Tassiulas L. (2016)
      Experimentation in testbeds is gaining increasing ground as a necessary validation step for every theoretical study in communication networks. However, the first-come-first-served policy employed today by most testbeds ...
    • Building virtual 802.11 testbeds towards open 5G experimentation 

      Kousias K., Katsalis K., Stavropoulos D., Korakis T., Tassiulas L. (2016)
      Together with recent advancements in Radio Access Network (RAN) technologies, Wi-Fi is expected to be at the center of research on the subject of ubiquitous wireless connectivity, towards building the new 5G ecosystem. ...
    • COSMOS educational toolkit 

      Skrimponis P., Makris N., Rajguru S.B., Cheng K., Ostrometzky J., Ford E., Kostic Z., Zussman G., Korakis T. (2020)
      This paper focuses on the K-12 educational activities of COSMOS-<u>C</u>loud enhanced <u>O</u>pen <u>S</u>oftware defined <u>MO</u>bile wireless testbed for city-<u>S</u>cale deployment. The COSMOS wireless reasearch testbed ...
    • Cross-testbed experimentation using the Planetlab-NITOS federation 

      Makris, N.; Keranidis, S.; Giatsios, D.; Korakis, T.; Koutsopoulos, I.; Tassiulas, L.; Rakotoarivelo, T.; Parmentelat, T. (2012)
      Federation of network testbeds has been identified as a key goal in the experimental testbeds community, leading to a recent activity burst in this research field. In this demo, we describe a federated experiment between ...
    • Demo: Enabling asynchronous awakenings in wireless sensor networks towards removing duty-cycle barriers 

      Kazdaridis G., Skrimponis P., Zographopoulos I., Symeonidis P., Korakis T., Tassiulas L. (2017)
      Typical wireless sensor network applications follow duty-cycle mechanisms, yielding important energy savings by reducing the power consumption of idle listening. However, this approach still dictates predefined cycles of ...
    • Demo: Experimentation in controlled and operational LTE settings with FLEX-MONROE 

      Fida M.-R., Kousias K., Lutu A., Rajiullah M., Alay O., Brunstrom A., Argyriou A. (2017)
      This demo paper presents FLEX-MONROE, a platform that facilitates better understanding of current LTE Mobile Broadband (MBB) networks and enables performance improvements by allowing experimentation with controllable LTE ...
    • Demo: In-situ power consumption meter for sensor networks supporting extreme dynamic range 

      Kazdaridis G., Zographopoulos I., Symeonidis P., Skrimponis P., Korakis T., Tassiulas L. (2017)
      Typical wireless sensor devices feature an extreme power consumption range between their active and sleep states, thus requiring different hardware setups for measuring their expenditure with high accuracy. In this demo ...
    • Demo: Lora mesh network experimentation in a city-wide testbed 

      Tzimotoudis P., Keranidis S., Kazdaridis G., Symeonidis P., Korakis T. (2019)
      LoRa is a low-power long-range Internet of Things (IoT) standard that offers remarkable performance, especially in remote rural areas. However the single-hop nature of current LoRa networks, poses significant challenges ...
    • Demo: Nano power draw in duty-cycled wireless sensor networks 

      Kazdaridis G., Zographopoulos I., Sidiropoulos N., Symeonidis P., Korakis T. (2019)
      In this work we present a novel power management architecture for Wireless Sensor Network devices towards minimizing the power consumption when nodes remain in sleep state. Specifically, we propose the employment of an ...
    • Demo: Online energy consumption monitoring of wireless testbed infrastructure through the NITOS EMF framework 

      Keranidis, S.; Kazdaridis, G.; Passas, V.; Korakis, T.; Koutsopoulos, I.; Tassiulas, L. (2013)
      Development of energy-efficient protocols and algorithms requires in-depth understanding of the power consumption characteristics of real world devices. To this aim, energy efficiency analysis is performed by the research ...
    • Demo: Real LTE experimentation in a controlled environment 

      Maglogiannis V., Naudts D., Moerman I., Makris N., Korakis T. (2015)
      LTE, commonly known as 4G, stands for Long-Term Evolution and is a wireless communication technology standardized by 3GPP. LTE adoption has increased drastically over the last years, and today is integrated widely in a ...
    • A demonstration of a management tool for assessing channel quality information in wireless testbeds 

      Apostolaras, A.; Miliotis, V.; Giallelis, N.; Syrivelis, D.; Korakis, T.; Tassiulas, L. (2011)
      The gradually growing need for testbed use so as networking algorithms to be validated in real environment, has given rise to optimal utilization of testbed resources. Towards this direction, we present a new management ...
    • A demonstration of a relaying selection scheme for maximizing a diamond network's throughput 

      Apostolaras, A.; Choumas, K.; Syrigos, I.; Kazdaridis, G.; Korakis, T.; Koutsopoulos, I.; Argyriou, A.; Tassiulas, L. (2012)
      We demonstrate a queue-aware algorithm studied in a diamond network topology. This algorithm's decisions are obtained from an analytical optimization framework relying on our technical work [4] and we devise an implementation ...
    • Demonstration of a Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) communication network featuring heterogeneous sensors and delay tolerant network capabilities 

      Stavropoulos, D.; Kazdaridis, G.; Korakis, T.; Katsaros, D.; Tassiulas, L. (2012)
      The development of applications based over vehicular networks, such as road safety, environmental information etc. require a complete testbed platform for research and evaluation. Such a platform will be provided by NITOS[1] ...
    • Demonstration of a video-aware multicast opportunistic routing protocol over 802.11 two-hop mesh networks 

      Syrigos, I.; Choumas, K.; Korakis, T.; Tassiulas, L. (2014)
      In this demo paper, we demonstrate and evaluate a novel Opportunistic Routing (OR) protocol for video multicast, namely Video-aware Multicast Opportunistic Routing (ViMOR), over 802.11 two-hop mesh networks. OR exploits ...
    • A demonstration of video over an IEEE 802.11 compliant version of the enhanced-backpressure algorithm 

      Choumas, K.; Korakis, T.; Koutsopoulos, I.; Tassiulas, L. (2012)
      This demo presents a novel routing and scheduling scheme, named Enhanced-Backpressure over WiFi (EBoW), that obviously outperforms the dominant approach of a shortest-path routing (SRCR) combined with the classic CSMA/CA ...
    • Design, architecture and implementation of a resource discovery, reservation and provisioning framework for testbeds 

      Stavropoulos, D.; Dadoukis, A.; Rakotoarivelo, T.; Ott, M.; Korakis, T.; Tassiulas, L. (2015)
      Experimental platforms (testbeds) play a significant role in the evaluation of new and existing technologies. Their popularity has been raised lately as more and more researchers prefer experimentation over simulation as ...
    • Distributed load shedding with minimum energy 

      Choumas K., Paschos G.S., Korakis T., Tassiulas L. (2016)
      This paper proposes distributed load shedding policies for regulating excessive network load. Data packets are inserted into the network to be delivered to intended destinations. The intermediate network nodes may decide ...