Πλοήγηση ανά Θέμα "water resource"
Αποτελέσματα 1-20 από 23
Agricultural and water resources development in Thessaly, Greece in the framework of new European union policies
(2009)The main challenges that inter-relate sustainable development with water resources management are to secure water for all humanity and for food production as well, to protect the ecosystems, to manage risk, to create public ... -
Antiflooding prevention, protection, strategic environmental planning of aquatic resources and water purification: The case of Thessalian basin, in Greece
(2010)In the E.U. following the old 5th Environmental Action Program (EAP) of 1994 and the new 6th EAP for the sustainable development in 2001, we confront the strategic management problem of aquatic resources at the regional ... -
Comparing Two Hydro-Economic Approaches for Multi-Objective Agricultural Water Resources Planning
(2020)Hydro-economic models are valuable tools that can be used in irrigated agriculture in order to improve the understanding of the status quo of water resources, the role of water in agriculture, and the system behavior under ... -
Deep learning in water resources management: The case study of Kastoria lake in Greece
(2021)The effects of climate change on water resources management have drawn worldwide attention. Water quality predictions that are both reliable and precise are critical for an effective water resources management. Although ... -
Determining public attitudes and willingness-to-pay for artificial lakes protection
(2016)This study explores factors influencing people's willingness to pay (WTP) for protecting an artificial lake. WTP was derived from a face-to-face survey of 564 recreational users of Plastira Lake, one of the most important ... -
Editorial/Preface: Advances in water resources and water networks management under climate change conditions, seeking for efficiency
(2017)[No abstract available] -
Evaluation of public perception on key sustainability indicators for drinking water quality by fuzzy logic methodologies
(2019)Social acceptance of water quality in urban areas depends on the perception and awareness of the stakeholders and the wider public. Moreover, the significance of social trust in stakeholders appears to be an influential ... -
Evaluation of Water Resources Management Strategies to Overturn Climate Change Impacts on Lake Karla Watershed
(2016)The effects of climate change on meteorology, hydrology and ecology have become a priority area for research and for water management. It is crucial to identify, simulate, evaluate and, finally, adopt water resources ... -
Exploring the effectiveness of clustering algorithms for capturing water consumption behavior at household level
(2021)As water scarcity becomes more prevalent, the analysis of urban water consumption patterns at the consumer level and the estimation of the corresponding water demand for water utility are expected to be among the top ... -
Groundwater nitrate contamination integrated modeling for climate and water resources scenarios: The case of Lake Karla over-exploited aquifer
(2019)Groundwater quantity and quality degradation by agricultural practices is recorded as one of the most critical issues worldwide. This is explained by the fact that groundwater is an important component of the hydrological ... -
An innovative cost-benefit analysis as a decision support system for the evaluation of alternative scenarios of water resources management
(2003)A crucial problem for planners dealing with the management of water resources is to choose among the available alternative scenarios. In the presented methodology the result is a combination of the data of all the important ... -
Integrated Hydro-Economic Modeling for Sustainable Water Resources Management in Data-Scarce Areas: The Case of Lake Karla Watershed in Greece
(2019)Hydro-economic models can serve as valuable tools to improve the understanding of system details, as well as to support decision-making and water resources management. However, hydro-economic models are not practically ... -
Integrated Modeling of Agronomic and Water Resources Management Scenarios in a Degraded Coastal Watershed (Almyros Basin, Magnesia, Greece)
(2022)The scope of this study is to assess the effects of agronomic and water resources management scenarios on groundwater balance, seawater intrusion, and nitrate pollution and the comparison of the developed scenarios relative ... -
An integrated multicriteria analysis tool for evaluating water resource management strategies
(2018)Water is involved, directly or indirectly, with many activities and needs that have to be met. The large scale and importance of water projects, the investments needed, the difficulty in predicting the results, and the ... -
Isolation and characterization of bacteria from acidic pristine soil environment able to transform iprodione and 3,5-dichloraniline
(2015)Iprodione is a fungicide commonly used in a range of crops resulting in its common detection in natural water resources. Biological degradation constitutes the major dissipation processes controlling its environmental ... -
Land use changes and its impacts on water resources in Nile Delta region using remote sensing techniques
(2013)Sustainable water resources management plans depend on reliable monitoring of land use -land cover (LULC) changes. The use of the remote sensing techniques in LULC changes detection brings consistency and reliability to ... -
A methodological framework for an easy and reliable estimation of the full cost of irrigation water
(2020)The requirements of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) 2000/60 for the full water cost recovery have brought reactions and difficulties to their implementation, especially for irrigation water. We propose a systematic and ... -
Policy recommendation for drinking water supply cross-border networking in the Adriatic region
(2017)Cross-border water resources and drinking water supply management are among the basic concerns for almost all Adriatic Sea countries. Adopting measures such as developing common methodologies, tools and techniques addressing ... -
Scenario tools for environmental planning. Supporting integrated coastal zone and water resources management in two Greek islands
(2009)This article critically examines the usefulness of scenarios in supporting environment-development planning, drawing from the experience of two differentiated case studies: integrated coastal zone in the Greek island of ... -
Time series analysis of remotely sensed water quality parameters in arid environments, Saudi Arabia
(2021)The monitoring of inland water resources in arid environments is an essential element due to their fragility. Reliable prediction of the water quality parameters helps to control and manage the water resources in arid ...