• Broad-front migration leads to strong migratory connectivity in the lesser kestrel (Falco naumanni) 

      Sarà M., Bondì S., Bermejo A., Bourgeois M., Bouzin M., Bustamante J., de la Puente J., Evangelidis A., Frassanito A., Fulco E., Giglio G., Gradev G., Griggio M., López-Ricaurte L., Kordopatis P., Marin S., Martínez J., Mascara R., Mellone U., Pellegrino S.C., Pilard P., Podofillini S., Romero M., Gustin M., Saulnier N., Serra L., Sfougaris A., Urios V., Visceglia M., Vlachopoulos K., Zanca L., Cecere J.G., Rubolini D. (2019)
      Aim: Migratory animals regularly move between often distant breeding and non-breeding ranges. Knowledge about how these ranges are linked by movements of individuals from different populations is crucial for unravelling ...
    • Hybrid methodology for the estimation of crop coefficients based on satellite imagery and ground-based measurements 

      Spiliotopoulos M., Loukas A. (2019)
      The objective of the current study was the investigation of specific relationships between crop coefficients and vegetation indices (VI) computed at the water-limited environment of Lake Karla Watershed, Thessaly, in central ...