Πλοήγηση ανά Θέμα "protein diet"
Αποτελέσματα 1-3 από 3
Enterobacter sp. AA26 gut symbiont as a protein source for Mediterranean fruit fly mass-rearing and sterile insect technique applications
(2019)Background: Insect species have established sophisticated symbiotic associations with diverse groups of microorganisms including bacteria which have been shown to affect several aspects of their biology, physiology, ecology ... -
Imprinting statistically sound conclusions for gut microbiota in comparative animal studies: A case study with diet and teleost fishes
(2020)Despite the technical progress in high-throughput sequencing technologies, defining the sample size which is capable of yielding representative inferences in metabarcoding analysis still remains debatable. The present study ... -
Post-prandial amino acid changes in gilthead sea bream
(2021)Following a meal, a series of physiological changes occurs in fish as they digest, absorb and assimilate ingested nutrients. This study aims to assess post-prandial free amino acid (FAA) activity in gilthead sea bream ...