Πλοήγηση ανά Θέμα "pollution exposure"
Αποτελέσματα 1-5 από 5
Chemical characterisation, antibacterial activity, and (nano)silver transformation of commercial personal care products exposed to household greywater
(2019)The objective of this study was to test the original speciation of silver (Ag) in eight different commercially available personal care products and investigate the chemical transformation of Ag during exposure to two types ... -
Pesticide exposure and cognitive function: Results from the Hellenic Longitudinal Investigation of Aging and Diet (HELIAD)
(2019)Background: Results from studies to date, regarding the role of chronic pesticide exposure on cognitive function remain contradictory. Objective: To investigate the relationship between self-reported pesticide exposure and ... -
Responses of the Mediterranean seagrass Cymodocea nodosa to combined temperature and salinity stress at the ionomic, transcriptomic, ultrastructural and photosynthetic levels
(2022)The Little Neptune grass Cymodocea nodosa is a key seagrass species in the Mediterranean Sea, forming extensive and patchy meadows in shallow coastal and transitional ecosystems. In such habitats, high temperatures and ... -
Soil and maize contamination by trace elements and associated health risk assessment in the industrial area of Volos, Greece
(2019)Agricultural lands adjacent to industrial activities are vulnerable due to the risk of trace elements (TEs) being accumulated into crops and subsequently humans. One such case concerns the industrial area of Volos, Greece, ... -
Trace elements in the soil-plant interface: Phytoavailability, translocation, and phytoremediation–A review
(2017)Trace elements (TEs) are deposited to soils mainly due to anthropogenic activities and pose a significant threat to human health. In this review we aimed at (a) discussing the phytoavailability of TEs as affected by various ...