Πλοήγηση ανά Θέμα "pharmacokinetics"
Αποτελέσματα 1-8 από 8
Bioavailability and health risk assessment of potentially toxic elements in Thriasio Plain, near Athens, Greece
(2017)Elevated concentrations of potentially toxic elements (PTEs) are usually found in areas of intense industrial activity. Thriasio Plain is a plain near Athens, Greece, where most of the heavy industry of the country has ... -
Bioavailability and risk assessment of potentially toxic elements in garden edible vegetables and soils around a highly contaminated former mining area in Germany
(2017)Although soil contamination by potentially toxic elements (PTEs) in Europe has a history of many centuries, related problems are often considered as having been dealt with due to the enforcement of tight legislations. ... -
Comparison of isotonic activation of cell volume regulation in rat peritoneal mesothelial cells and in kidney outer medullary collecting duct principal cells
(2021)In disease states, mesothelial cells are exposed to variable osmotic conditions, with high osmotic stress exerted by peritoneal dialysis (PD) fluids. They contain unphysiologically high concentrations of glucose and result ... -
Concentrations of clindamycin hydrochloride in homogenates of normal dog skin when administered at two oral dosage regimens
(2013)Background: Clindamycin is frequently used for the treatment of bacterial pyoderma. Objective: To compare the pharmacokinetics of clindamycin in whole skin homogenates of normal dogs when administered orally at two dosage ... -
Lettuce facing microcystins-rich irrigation water at different developmental stages: Effects on plant performance and microcystins bioaccumulation
(2017)This study investigated the microcystins (MCs)-rich irrigation water effect on lettuce of different developmental stages, i.e. during a two months period, covering the whole period from seed germination to harvest at ... -
Pharmacokinetics and clinical assessment of amoxicillin for the control of necrotic enteritis in broiler-breeders under field conditions
(2015)Necrotic enteritis (NE) is an acute clostridium infection characterised by sudden onset, high mortality and severe necrosis of intestinal mucosa. The present study was conducted to clinically assess the efficacy of amoxicillin ... -
Pharmacokinetics of Faster and Standard Insulin Aspart during Fully Closed-Loop Insulin Delivery in Type 2 Diabetes
(2020)Background: Faster insulin aspart is a novel formulation of insulin aspart aiming to accelerate its subcutaneous absorption. The aim of this study was to compare pharmacokinetics of faster insulin aspart versus standard ... -
Poor bioavailability of oxytetracycline in sharpsnout sea bream Diplodus puntazzo
(2004)The pharmacokinetics of oxytetracycline (OTC) were investigated following single intravascular injection (40 mg/kg) in sharpsnout sea bream (90 g) at 19 degreesC. The distribution half-life (t(1/2alpha)) and the elimination ...