Πλοήγηση ανά Θέμα "lung lesion"
Αποτελέσματα 1-5 από 5
Control of swine enzootic pneumonia by spraying organic acids in fatteners' buildings [Έλεγχος της ενξωοτικής πνευμονίας σε παχυνόμενους χοίρους με ψεκασμό μείγματος οργανικών οξέων στα παχυντήρια των χοιροστασίων]
(2018)In this study, the possibility to control enzootic pneumonia by spraying mild organic acids in fatteners' buildings was investigated. In a farm with enzootic pneumonia, two groups, each of 120 weaned pigs, were housed in ... -
Cryo-Biopsy versus 19G needle versus 22G needle with EBUS-TBNA endoscopy
(2022)Introduction: We have been using cryo-biopsy for endobronchial lesions for lung cancer diagnosis and debulking. Cryo-biopsy is also known to be an excellent tool for diagnosis of lung interstitial disease. Recently cryo-biopsy ... -
ERS International Congress 2021: highlights from the Thoracic Surgery and Lung Transplantation Assembly
(2022)The thoracic surgery and lung transplantation assembly of the European Respiratory Society (ERS) is delighted to present the highlights from the 2021 ERS International Congress. We have selected four sessions that discussed ... -
Frequency and severity of enzootic pneumonia-like lesions in Greek swine herds and their association with different vaccination protocols against Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae
(2022)Several European countries, but Greece, reported data of Enzootic Pneumonia (EP)-like lesions at slaughter. In the present study, frequency and severity of EP-like lesions were evaluated at slaughter and their association ... -
Frequency of sternal variations and anomalies in living individuals evaluated by MDCT
(2021)Purpose: The aim of this retrospective study was to present the frequency and MDCT appearances of sternal variations and anomalies, as well as to highlight their clinical significance. Methods: This retrospective study was ...