• Glycogenic hepatopathy as a cause of severe deranged liver enzymes in a young patient with type 1 diabetes mellitus 

      Azariadis K., Gatselis N.K., Koukoulis G.K., Dalekos G.N. (2019)
      Glycogenic hepatopathy (GH) is a rare complication of poorly controlled type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM). We present a 19-year-old woman with T1DM and autoimmune thyroiditis who admitted to our department because of abrupt ...
    • Low-Protein Diet Induces IRE1α-Dependent Anticancer Immunosurveillance 

      Rubio-Patiño C., Bossowski J.P., De Donatis G.M., Mondragón L., Villa E., Aira L.E., Chiche J., Mhaidly R., Lebeaupin C., Marchetti S., Voutetakis K., Chatziioannou A., Castelli F.A., Lamourette P., Chu-Van E., Fenaille F., Avril T., Passeron T., Patterson J.B., Verhoeyen E., Bailly-Maitre B., Chevet E., Ricci J.-E. (2018)
      Dietary restriction (DR) was shown to impact on tumor growth with very variable effects depending on the cancer type. However, how DR limits cancer progression remains largely unknown. Here, we demonstrate that feeding ...