Auflistung Nach Schlagwort "insect repellent"
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A Combined Computational Methodology for the Discovery of Hit Compounds with Putative Insect Repellency Properties
(2022)Mosquitoes and other hematophagous arthropods, the primary vectors of multiple parasites and viruses, are responsible for the transmission of serious diseases to humans. Nowadays, the interest is focused on the development ... -
Essential oil-in-water microemulsions for topical application: structural study, cytotoxic effect and insect repelling activity
(2022)Essential oils (EOs) extracted from aromatic plants have been well recognized for their insect repellent properties. Although EOs are effective when freshly applied, their protective effect usually dissipates quickly due ... -
Vegetable organosulfur compounds and their health promoting effects
(2017)Background: Trends in modern pharmaceutical science show an increase in demand for new drugs and diet supplements derived from natural products, while during the last decades, great research is conducted regarding the ...