Πλοήγηση ανά Θέμα "field experiment"
Αποτελέσματα 1-7 από 7
Assessment of plant growth promoting bacteria strains on growth, yield and quality of sweet corn
(2022)The use of plant growth promoting bacteria (PGPB) is increasingly gaining acceptance from all the stakeholders of the agricultural production. Different strains of PGPB species had been found to have a vast variety of ... -
Assessment of the impact of three pesticides on microbial dynamics and functions in a lab-to-field experimental approach
(2018)The toxicity of pesticides on soil microorganisms is as an emerging area of concern. Novel and well-standardized tools could be now used to provide a robust assessment of the ecotoxicity of pesticides on soil microorganisms. ... -
Chemical Characterisation-Biological Evaluation of Greek Cultivar Cardoon Seeds (Cynara cardunculus)A By-product with Potential High Added Value
(2021)Cynara cardunculus (artichoke) is a perennial plant of the Mediterranean basin, known since antiquity as food and for its therapeutic properties. Cynara is a relatively small genus with two cultivated species and one wild ... -
From the lab to the field: Effects of self-talk on task performance under distracting conditions
(2018)This study explored the effectiveness of self-talk strategies on task performance under conditions of external distraction in laboratory and field experiments. In the laboratory experiment, 28 sport science students (Mage ... -
Indicators to assess physiological heat strain–Part 3: Multi-country field evaluation and consensus recommendations
(2022)In a series of three companion papers published in this Journal, we identify and validate the available thermal stress indicators (TSIs). In this third paper, we conducted field experiments across nine countries to evaluate ... -
Lab to field assessment of the ecotoxicological impact of chlorpyrifos, isoproturon, or tebuconazole on the diversity and composition of the soil bacterial community
(2018)Pesticides are intentionally applied to agricultural fields for crop protection. They can harm non-target organisms such as soil microorganisms involved in important ecosystem functions with impacts at the global scale. ... -
Predicting the responses of soil nitrite-oxidizers to multi-factorial global change: A trait-based approach
(2016)Soil microbial diversity is huge and a few grams of soil contain more bacterial taxa than there are bird species on Earth. This high diversity often makes predicting the responses of soil bacteria to environmental change ...