• Deep Learning-Based Automated Diagnosis for Coronary Artery Disease Using SPECT-MPI Images 

      Papandrianos N.I., Feleki A., Papageorgiou E.I., Martini C. (2022)
      (1) Background: Single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) myocardial perfusion imaging (MPI) is a long-established estimation methodology for medical diagnosis using image classification illustrating conditions ...
    • An Explainable Machine Learning Pipeline for Stroke Prediction on Imbalanced Data 

      Kokkotis C., Giarmatzis G., Giannakou E., Moustakidis S., Tsatalas T., Tsiptsios D., Vadikolias K., Aggelousis N. (2022)
      Stroke is an acute neurological dysfunction attributed to a focal injury of the central nervous system due to reduced blood flow to the brain. Nowadays, stroke is a global threat associated with premature death and huge ...
    • Machine learning for rhabdomyosarcoma histopathology 

      Frankel A.O., Lathara M., Shaw C.Y., Wogmon O., Jackson J.M., Clark M.M., Eshraghi N., Keenen S.E., Woods A.D., Purohit R., Ishi Y., Moran N., Eguchi M., Ahmed F.U.A., Khan S., Ioannou M., Perivoliotis K., Li P., Zhou H., Alkhaledi A., Davis E.J., Galipeau D., Randall R.L., Wozniak A., Schoffski P., Lee C.-J., Huang P.H., Jones R.L., Rubin B.P., Darrow M., Srinivasa G., Rudzinski E.R., Chen S., Berlow N.E., Keller C. (2022)
      Correctly diagnosing a rare childhood cancer such as sarcoma can be critical to assigning the correct treatment regimen. With a finite number of pathologists worldwide specializing in pediatric/young adult sarcoma ...