Πλοήγηση ανά Θέμα "cotton"
Αποτελέσματα 1-15 από 15
A Comparison between Variable Deficit Irrigation and Farmers’ Irrigation Practices under Three Fertilization Levels in Cotton Yield (Gossypium hirsutum L.) Using Precision Agriculture, Remote Sensing, Soil Analyses, and Crop Growth Modeling
(2022)The major global challenge for the coming decades will be increasing crop production with less water consumption. Precision agriculture (PA) and variable deficit irrigation (VDI) are management strategies that help farmers ... -
Correlation of UAV and satellite-derived vegetation indices with cotton physiological parameters and their use as a tool for scheduling variable rate irrigation in cotton
(2022)Current irrigation management zones (IMZs) for variable rate irrigation (VRI) systems are static. They are delineated in the beginning of the season and used thereafter. However, recent research has shown that IMZ boundaries ... -
Evaluation of three cultivation practices for early cotton establishment and improving crop profitability
(2006)Cultivation practices permitting earlier sowing of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) in Greece are required to maximize yields and facilitate harvesting. An experiment was conducted for 2 years in Central Greece to evaluate ... -
Exploring precision farming scenarios using fuzzy cognitive maps
(2017)One of the major problems confronted in precision agriculture is uncertainty about how exactly would yield in a certain area respond to decreased application of certain nutrients. One way to deal with this type of uncertainty ... -
Innovative Nitrogen Fertilizers Effect on Cotton Cultivation
(2020)Fertilizer enhancement is determined by chemical and physical characteristics, environmental safety, and mechanical stress stabilization, etc. In order to assess the reaction of cotton cultivation to distinct kinds of ... -
Interrelationship among and repeatability of seven stability indices estimated from commercial cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) variety evaluation trials in three Mediterranean countries
(2008)Multi-environment trial data are required, to obtain variety stability performance parameters as selection tools for effective cultivar evaluation. The interrelationship among seven stability parameters and their association ... -
A life cycle assessment of biomass production from energy crops in crop rotation using different tillage system
(2020)A three-year experiment was carried out in Central Greece to assess the use of different tillage practices (Conventional, Reduced, and No tillage) for seedbed preparation, in a double cropping per year rotation of irrigated ... -
Performance of cotton aphid Aphis gossypii (Hemiptera : Aphididae) lineages on cotton varieties
(2006)The performance of three clonal lineages of Aphis gossypii Glover originating from central Greece was studied on six commercial cotton cultivars that differ with respect to leaf pubescence traits (Zeta-2, Zeta-5, Eva, ... -
Performance of cotton F-1 hybrids and its relation to the mean yield of advanced bulk generations
(1999)The performance of intraspecific (Gossypium hirsutum) and interspecific (G. hirsutum x G. barbadense) F-1 cotton hybrids and its correlation with the mean yield of advanced bulk generations was assessed under Greek ... -
Persistence of pendimethalin in cotton fields under sprinkler or drip irrigation in central Greece
(2004)The dissipation of pendimethalin was investigated in soils of cotton fields in Thessaly, central Greece, for a period of two years. The fields were irrigated either with sprinkler or with sprinkler for the first two ... -
Phosphorus Removal from Aqueous Solutions and Greek Soils using Modified Natural Minerals and Its Impact on the Morphological Characteristics of Crops
(2013)In the present article, adsorption experiments of phosphate ions from their aqueous solutions were conducted with the use of five different materials (zeolite, bentonite, goethite, and systems I and II). The adsorption of ... -
Remotely sensed estimation of annual cotton production under different environmental conditions in Central Greece
(2005)This study proposes an innovative approach for investigating the accumulated meteorological effects on cotton during the growing season. The quantification of the weather effects is based on the application of the Bhalme ... -
Soft computing technique of fuzzy cognitive maps to connect yield defining parameters with yield in cotton crop production in central Greece as a basis for a decision support system for precision agriculture application
(2010)This work investigates the yield and yield variability prediction in cotton crop. Cotton crop management is a complex process with interacting parameters like soil, crop and weather factors. The soft computing technique ... -
Soil tillage, irrigation and fertilization effects in cotton crops
(2002)A three-year experiment comparing five tillage methods with chemical and green manure fertilizer and two levels of water application of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum. L) are reported in this article. Results showed that ... -
The sustainable use of cotton, hazelnut and ground peanut waste in vegetable crop production
(2020)The environmental burden from crop production byproducts is gradually increasing and necessitates the sustainable management of waste towards a circular economy approach. In the present study, three byproducts (cotton ...