• EANM procedural guidelines for PET/CT quantitative myocardial perfusion imaging 

      Sciagrà R., Lubberink M., Hyafil F., Saraste A., Slart R.H.J.A., Agostini D., Nappi C., Georgoulias P., Bucerius J., Rischpler C., Verberne H.J., Cardiovascular Committee of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM) (2021)
      The use of cardiac PET, and in particular of quantitative myocardial perfusion PET, has been growing during the last years, because scanners are becoming widely available and because several studies have convincingly ...
    • Viscoelastic dynamic arterial response 

      Charalambous H.P., Roussis P.C., Giannakopoulos A.E. (2017)
      Background Arteries undergo large deformations under applied intraluminal pressure and may exhibit small hysteresis due to creep or relaxation process. The mechanical response of arteries depends, among others, on their ...