Listar por tema "arsenic"
Mostrando ítems 1-15 de 15
Assessment of heavy metal(loid)s contamination risk and grain nutritional quality in organic waste-amended soil
(2020)Studies that evaluate the human health risk of heavy metal(loid)s pollution have not been widely performed for organic waste-amended soils on the Loess Plateau of China. With this respect, we conducted a 3-year field trial ... -
Bioavailability and risk assessment of potentially toxic elements in garden edible vegetables and soils around a highly contaminated former mining area in Germany
(2017)Although soil contamination by potentially toxic elements (PTEs) in Europe has a history of many centuries, related problems are often considered as having been dealt with due to the enforcement of tight legislations. ... -
A critical prospective analysis of the potential toxicity of trace element regulation limits in soils worldwide: Are they protective concerning health risk assessment? - A review
(2019)Trace elements (TEs) may have toxic effects to plants and humans; thus, countries and organizations impose maximum allowable regulation limits of their concentrations in soils. Usually such limits are placed in different ... -
Editorial overview on Oxidative Toxicology: From molecules to cells to tissues
(2019)[No abstract available] -
Hazardous enrichment of toxic elements in soils and olives in the urban zone of Lavrio, Greece, a legacy, millennia-old silver/lead mining area and related health risk assessment
(2022)Lavrio is a Greek town with several abandoned Ag/Pb mines. In this study, 19 potentially toxic elements (PTEs) were measured in soil, weeds, and olives. Levels of seven of the studied PTEs in soil were highly elevated: Zn ... -
Hazardous toxic metal(loid)s in top- and deep-soils during the transformation of aquaculture ponds restored to farmland
(2022)The pollution risks due to the soil migration of toxic metal(loid)s (TMs) are a greatly hazard to ecological environment as well as animal and human health. Previous studies have primarily focused on surface contamination ... -
Health risk assessment of potentially toxic elements in soils along the Central Elbe River, Germany
(2019)Floodplain soils across Central Elbe River (CER), Germany, vary considerably in potentially toxic element (PTE) content. However, there has never been a comprehensive study that links PTE levels with human health risk for ... -
Human health risk via soil ingestion of potentially toxic elements and remediation potential of native plants near an abandoned mine spoil in Ghana
(2021)Integrated studies about potentially toxic elements (PTEs) in sites near gold mining spoils, their contamination and human health risk, as well as remediation potential of native plants are limited. Therefore, our aim was ... -
Inorganic substances and their uses in Nikolaos Myrepsos’ Dynameron. Recent applications in modern therapy
(2021)Inorganic compounds have been known and used since antiquity. Dynameron is the largest Byzantine medical manuscript divided into 24 sections, in accordance with the letters of the Hellenic alphabet, which contains 2667 ... -
Investigation of Extraction Methods for the Assessment of the Pseudo-Total Concentration of Potentially Toxic Elements in Moderately Contaminated Soils of Central Greece
(2020)The aim of this research was the investigation of the effectiveness of several extractants as possible assessment of pseudo-total As, Pb and Cu concentrations in moderately contaminated soils of Central Greece. In soils ... -
Metal(loid) and isotopic tracing of Pb in soils, road and house dusts from the industrial area of Volos (central Greece)
(2020)This study examines the metal(loid) contents (As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sb, Tl and Zn) and Pb isotopes in different environmental compartments (soil, road dust, house dust) from the industrial vicinity of Volos, central ... -
Regeneration of arsenic spent adsorbents by Fe/MgO nanoparticles
(2017)BACKGROUND: Over recent decades, there has been increasing global concern over public health impacts related to water pollution with arsenic. With the development of nanotechnology, nanomaterials are being proposed as ... -
Release of toxic elements in fishpond sediments under dynamic redox conditions: Assessing the potential environmental risk for a safe management of fisheries systems and degraded waterlogged sediments
(2020)Waterlogged soils and sediments contaminated with potentially toxic elements (PTEs) constitute a complicated case of degraded areas; their management requires understanding of the dynamic redox-driven PTE mobilization. ... -
Soil contamination by potentially toxic elements and the associated human health risk in geo- and anthropogenic contaminated soils: A case study from the temperate region (Germany) and the arid region (Egypt)
(2020)Soil contamination was very high in the studied soils (pollution load index ranged from 1.1 to 5.2), especially in the German and Egyptian Fluvisols; health risk for children was higher than for adults, and As, Al, Cr, Cu, ... -
Tracing the sources of bioaccessible metal(loid)s in urban environments: A multidisciplinary approach
(2021)Understanding the links between sources of magnetic particles and bioaccessibility of metal(loids) in environmental sampling media is crucial for better evaluating human health risks, although relevant information in the ...