Αποτελέσματα 1-12 από 12
Analysis of Over-Dispersed Count Data: Application to Obligate Parasite Pasteuria penetrans
(2022)In this article we present with STATA regression models suitable for analyzing over-dispersed count outcomes. Specifically, the Negative Binomial regression can be an appropriate choice for modeling count variables, usually ... -
Assessment principles for the mechanical behavior of clay soils
(2021)The factors that determine the geotechnical behavior of soils are mainly their composition, the size of their grains and their moisture content. The design of a soil structure or foundation project must ensure the shear ... -
Closed form solutions of Lyapunov equations using the vech and veck operators
(2021)New closed forms are presented of the solutions of the continuous and discrete Lyapunov equations using the vech and veck operators. The proposed solutions are faster than the classical solutions derived using the vec ... -
Comparative analysis of motorcyclists’ gaze behavior in different road environments
(2021)-While car drivers consist the vast majority of road users, motorcycle drivers are considered among the most vulnerable ones with significant participation in accidents. The present study investigates the role of elements ... -
Explicit Model for Solar Air Heaters Performance Assessment for Winter and Summer Operation
(2022)Towards zero energy consumption buildings, designers need an easy tool to assess in the first stage of the design the performance of passive heating and/or cooling elements like the Trombe wall. In the present work a ... -
Forecasting reference evapotranspiration using time lagged recurrent neural network
(2020)The aim of this study is to employ a Time Lagged Recurrent Neural Network (TLRNN) model for forecasting near future reference evapotranspiration (ETo) values by using climate data taken from meteorological station located ... -
Investigation of Motorcycle Trajectories in 2-lane Horizontal Curves
(2021)-Most of the road design guidelines assume that the vehicles traverse a trajectory that coincides with the midline of the traffic lane. Based on this assumption the thresholds of various features are determined such as the ... -
Investigation of speeding and centerline encroachment by motorcycle riders on a 2-lane rural road
(2021)Motorcycle riders are considered as one of the most vulnerable road users group worldwide. This is supported by numerous statistics which reveal that despite the reduction of vehicular fatalities over the last 15 years, ... -
Location planning of fire service fleet based on forest fire susceptibility
(2020)Forest fires constitute one of the greatest risks for certain ecosystems services. Hence, the location planning of firefighting units based on forest fire hazard is a key point for the immediate containment of fire incidents ... -
A Methodology to Investigate Powered Two-Wheeler Rider’s Comfort over Road Sections with Skew Superelevation
(2021)The proper surface water drainage not only affects vehicle movement dynamics but also increases the likelihood of an accident since inadequate drainage is associated with potential hydroplaning and splash and spray driving ... -
Speed models for motorcycle riders for two-lane rural roads
(2021)The development of operating speed models has been the subject of numerous research studies in the past. Most of them present models that aim to predict free-flow speed in conjunction with the road geometry at the curved ... -
Survey and Design Consistency Evaluation in Two-Lane Rural Road Segments
(2022)-The present research proposes a time and cost-effective methodology to survey and perform a design consistency evaluation in two-lane rural road segments. The implementation of the proposed methodology carried out in ...