Πλοήγηση ανά Θέμα "VACUUM"
Αποτελέσματα 1-6 από 6
(2012)Halvas Farsalon, a traditional confection of Greece, was packaged under modified atmosphere conditions (MAP) with four different gas mixtures (groups: A: 80% N-2-20%CO2; B: 30%N-2-70%CO2; C: 100%N-2, and Control: atmospheric ... -
The effect of modified atmosphere packaging on the microbiological, physical, chemical and sensory characteristics of broadtail squid (Illex coindetii)
(2014)The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of various atmosphere compositions (20% CO2/80% N-2 for modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) 1, 50% CO2/50% N-2 for MAP 2, 70% CO2/30% N-2 for MAP 3 and vacuum packaging) on ... -
Hybrid modeling of time-dependent rarefied gas expansion
(2014)The time evolution of the flow parameters in a system where gas is expanded from a high pressure chamber through a tube toward a low pressure chamber is investigated. During the process, the pressure in the two chambers ... -
Microbiological changes, shelf life and identification of initial and spoilage microbiota of sea bream fillets stored under various conditions using 16S rRNA gene analysis
(2015)BACKGROUNDSea bream fillets are one of the most important value-added products of the seafood market. Fresh seafood spoils mainly owing to bacterial action. In this study an exploration of initial and spoilage microbiota ... -
Pressure driven rarefied gas flow through a slit and an orifice
(2012)The flow of a monatomic gas through a slit and an orifice due to an arbitrarily large pressure difference is examined on the basis of the nonlinear Bhatnagar-Gross-Krook (BGK) model equation, subject to Maxwell diffuse ... -
Rarefied gas flow in a rectangular enclosure induced by non-isothermal walls
(2014)The flow of a rarefied gas in a rectangular enclosure due to the non-isothermal walls with no synergetic contributions from external force fields is investigated. The top and bottom walls are maintained at constant but ...