Πλοήγηση ανά Θέμα "Shells (structures)"
Αποτελέσματα 1-20 από 20
Buckling capacity of radially compressed thin-walled reinforced cementitious spheres
(2018)High performance cementitious materials have made possible the construction of slender thin cementitious shells. For their design, the most relevant recommendations are those provided by the International Association of ... -
Compression-only behavior: Effect of prestress and shell rheology on bifurcation diagrams and parametric stability of coated microbubbles in an unbounded flow
(2022)Lipid-shelled microbubbles exhibit a strain-softening behavior and thus are characterized by preferential excursion from equilibrium during expansion at insonation. However, experimental studies have reported a counterintuitive ... -
Computational modeling of high performance cementitious thin shell elements under in-plane shear
(2018)High-performance cementitious materials are widely used in the construction of thin shell elements. This study investigates a simulation method based on composite layered shells for the nonlinear analysis of high-performance ... -
Core-shell carbon-polymer quantum dot passivation for near infrared perovskite light emitting diodes
(2022)High-performance perovskite light-emitting diodes (PeLEDs) require a high quality perovskite emitter and appropriate charge transport layers to facilitate charge injection and transport within the device. Solution-processed ... -
Dynamic simulations of an encapsulated microbubble translating in a tube at low capillary and Reynolds numbers
(2021)The dynamic translation of a micron-sized encapsulated bubble is investigated numerically inside a horizontal tube where liquid flows under constant pressure drop, when the effect of gravity is neglected. The coating of ... -
Failure modes and buckling capacity of thin cylindrical reinforced cementitious shells under axial compression
(2018)High performance cementitious composites have made possible the manufacturing of thin cementitious shell structures which are prone to buckling. Perhaps the most comprehensive design procedure for such shells is provided ... -
A framework for formulating and implementing non-associative plasticity models for shell buckling computations
(2022)In modelling the behavior of thick-walled metal shells under compressive loads, the use of J2 flow theory can lead to unrealistic buckling estimates, while alternative ‘corner’ models, despite offering good predictions, ... -
Hadoop-based distributed k-shell decomposition for social networks
(2017)Complex network analysis comprises a popular set of tools for the analysis of online social networks. Among these techniques, k-shell decomposition of a network is a technique that has been used for centrality analysis, ... -
Highly stable cathodes for proton exchange membrane fuel cells: Novel carbon supported Au@PtNiAu concave octahedral core-shell nanocatalyst
(2022)Despite the remarkable research efforts, the lack of ideal activity and state-of-the-art electrocatalysts remains a substantial challenge for the global application of fuel cell technology. Herein, is reported the synthesis ... -
Iron oxide@graphitic carbon core-shell nanoparticles embedded in ordered mesoporous N-doped carbon matrix as an efficient cathode catalyst for PEMFC
(2020)Developing electrocatalysts with high activity and long-term stability towards oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) in acidic media is still an important topic. However, most of the already reported non-precious-metal catalysts ... -
Lateral loading of internally pressurized steel pipes
(2005)The paper examines the denting response of tubular members and pipes subjected to lateral (transverse) quasi-static loading, in the presence of internal pressure. Tubes are modeled with nonlinear shell finite elements, and ... -
Local buckling strength and deformation capacity of pipes
(2009)Local buckling in cylindrical shells may occur elastically or plastically, mainly depending on the diameter to wall thickness ratio. In offshore structures plastic local buckling is mostly the governing criterion. In thin ... -
Non-associative J2 plasticity model for finite element buckling analysis of shells in the inelastic range
(2016)The development and numerical implementation of a special-purpose constitutive model is described for investigating the structural stability of cylindrical metal shells under axial compression and bending, which buckle in ... -
Nonlinear radial oscillations of encapsulated microbubbles subject to ultrasound: The effect of membrane constitutive law
(2008)The nonlinear radial oscillations of bubbles that are encapsulated in an elastic shell are investigated numerically subject to three different constitutive laws describing the viscoelastic properties of the shell: the ... -
Numerical modelling of rotating tangential layers (jets) in shells under strong uniform magnetic field
(2010)A numerical study of tangential layers in steady-state magnetohydrodynamic rotating flows is presented using CFD to solve the inductionless governing equations. The analysis considers two basic flow configurations. In the ... -
Numerical study of the interaction between a pulsating coated microbubble and a rigid wall. I. Translational motion
(2021)The dynamic response of an encapsulated bubble to an acoustic disturbance in a wall restricted flow is investigated in the context of axial symmetry, when the viscous forces of the surrounding liquid are accounted for. The ... -
Numerical study of the interaction between a pulsating coated microbubble and a rigid wall. II. Trapped pulsation
(2021)The dynamic response of an encapsulated bubble subject to an acoustic disturbance in a wall restricted flow is investigated, when the viscous forces of the surrounding liquid are accounted for. The Galerkin finite element ... -
Oxygen Vacancy and Core–Shell Heterojunction Engineering of Anemone-Like CoP@CoOOH Bifunctional Electrocatalyst for Efficient Overall Water Splitting
(2022)Constructing cost-efficient and robust bifunctional electrocatalysts for both neutral and alkaline water splitting is highly desired, but still affords a great challenge, due to sluggish hydrogen/oxygen evolution reaction ... -
Shell-thickness-dependent Pd@PtNi core–shell nanosheets for efficient oxygen reduction reaction
(2022)Platinum-based ultrathin core–shell nanosheets catalyst with moderate shell thickness have great potential to solve the problems of highly active catalyst for oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) within proton exchange membrane ... -
Static response of coated microbubbles compressed between rigid plates: Simulations and asymptotic analysis including elastic and adhesive forces
(2018)The static response of coated microbubbles is investigated with a novel approach employed for modeling contact between a microbubble and the cantilever of an atomic force microscope. Elastic tensions and moments are described ...