Πλοήγηση ανά Θέμα "Security and privacy"
Αποτελέσματα 1-5 από 5
ASPIDA: A client-oriented platform for assessing websites security practices adoption and reward
(2021)The adoption of good security practices for the e-commerce business is a challenging problem. The enforcement of a strict legal framework is not always effective. On the other hand, simple recommendations and raising ... -
ASPIDA: An Observatory for Security and Privacy in the Greek e-Business Sector
(2021)Modern e-business policy aims to better frame and steer progress and advancements towards a legal and security aware framework. However, a large percentage of cases neglects the adoption of good security practices, exposing ... -
Secure aggregation of users' privacy preferences in shared IoT environments
(2021)Internet of Things (IoT) technology has emerged as a core aspect of everyday life, since the number of deployed devices increases exponentially day by day. IoT offers the automation of many actions and strengthens the ... -
Security and privacy in the internet of things using blockchain technology
(2019)The Internet of Things constitutes the latest paradigm shift in computing. We are soon going to be surrounded by billions of devices that will sense the real world and store produced data in the cloud. These data will ... -
Security and Privacy Concerns for Healthcare Wearable Devices and Emerging Alternative Approaches
(2022)The wide use of wearable devices rises a lot of concerns about the privacy and security of personal data that are collected and stored by such services. This concern is even higher when such data is produced by healthcare ...