Πλοήγηση ανά Θέμα "Routing policies"
Αποτελέσματα 1-4 από 4
The impact of storage capacity on end-to-end delay in time varying networks
(2011)Recent technological advances have rendered storage a cheap and at large scale available resource. Yet, there exist only few examples in networking that consider storage for enhancing data transfer capabilities. In this ... -
On optimal routing in overloaded parallel queues
(2013)We consider the problem of routing Bernoulli arrivals to parallel queues, where each queue provides service according to an independent Bernoulli process. We assume that the total arrival rate exceeds the sum of the service ... -
Sustainability of service provisioning systems under attack
(2013)We propose a resource allocation model that captures the interaction between legitimate users of a distributed service provisioning system with malicious intruders attempting to disrupt its operation. The system consists ... -
Video delivery over heterogeneous cellular networks: Optimizing cost and performance
(2014)Video delivery to mobile users is one of the largest challenges that network operators face today. In this work we consider a heterogeneous cellular network with storage capable small-cell base stations, and study this ...