Πλοήγηση ανά Θέμα "Pre-twisted"
Αποτελέσματα 1-3 από 3
Pretwisted beam subjected to thermal loads: A gradient thermoelastic analogue
(2017)It is well known from the classical torsion theory that the cross section of a prismatic beam subjected to end torsional moments will rotate and warp in the longitudinal direction. Rotation is depicted through the angle ... -
Pretwisted beams in axial tension and torsion: Analogy with dipolar gradient elasticity and applications to textile materials
(2015)A technical theory for pretwisted beams that accounts for variable twist (constrained warping) is based on an approximate displacement field that is defined completely in terms of two unknown functions: the axial displacement ... -
The Problem of Tension-Torsion of Pretwisted Elastic Beams Revisited
(2022)A one-dimensional technical theory for pretwisted isotropic linearly elastic beams loaded in tension and torsion was developed. The analysis was based on a kinematically admissible field written in terms of three generalized ...