Auflistung Nach Schlagwort "Poaceae"
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Food resources and quality for the introduced cretan wild goat or agrimi Capra aegagrus cretica on Atalandi Island, Greece, and implications for ecosystem management
(1996)A study of seasonal food availability and quality for Cretan wild goat or agrimi Capra aegagrus cretica introduced on Atalandi Island, Greece, was conducted during 1988-89. The major portion of available forage consisted ... -
Phytoremediation potential of twelve wild plant species for toxic elements in a contaminated soil
(2021)Green remediation of soils highly contaminated with potentially toxic elements (PTEs) can be achieved using suitable plants. Such phytoremediation procedure often takes into consideration PTE concentrations in plants only, ... -
A serine carboxypeptidase-like acyltransferase is required for synthesis of antimicrobial compounds and disease resistance in oats
(2009)Serine carboxypeptidase-like (SCPL) proteins have recently emerged as a new group of plant acyltransferases. These enzymes share homology with peptidases but lack protease activity and instead are able to acylate natural ...