Πλοήγηση ανά Θέμα "PARTICLE"
Αποτελέσματα 1-3 από 3
A dual Kalman filter approach for state estimation via output-only acceleration measurements
(2015)A dual implementation of the Kalman filter is proposed for estimating the unknown input and states of a linear state-space model by using sparse noisy acceleration measurements. The successive structure of the suggested ... -
Geographic variations of human papilloma virus infection and their possible impact on the effectiveness of the vaccination programme
(2008)Greece is one of the first countries of the European Union to introduce a human. papilloma virus (HPV) vaccine in its national vaccination programme. Geographical variations in the prevalence of the different HPV types ... -
Transport and deposition of neutral particles in magnetohydrodynamic turbulent channel flows at low magnetic Reynolds numbers
(2011)The effect of Lorentz force on particle transport and deposition is studied by using direct numerical simulation of turbulent channel flow of electrically conducting fluids combined with discrete particle simulation of the ...