Πλοήγηση ανά Θέμα "Optical fibers"
    • Asynchronous Transmission Strategy and Optical IntraCluster Connectivity for Hyperscale Data Centers 

      Baziana P. (2022)
      As the optical devices technology constantly provides upgraded capabilities for higher optical fiber bandwidth utilization, achieving high data rates, the request for effective medium access control (MAC) algorithms to ...
    • CDMA RoFSO Links with Nonzero Boresight Pointing Errors over M Turbulence Channels 

      Ninos M.P., Nistazakis H.E., Sandalidis H.G., Tombras G.S. (2018)
      Radio-on-Free-Space Optical systems constitute a very attractive option for interconnecting central base stations with remote antenna units. Nonetheless, the optical signal propagation through the atmosphere is tremendously ...
    • Demonstration of NFV for mobile edge computing on an optically disaggregated datacentre in a box 

      Enrico M., Mishra V., Saljoghei A., Bielski M., Pap E., Syrigos I., de Dios O.G., Theodoropoulos D., Pnevmatikatos D.N., Reale A., Syrivelis D., Zervas G., Parsons N., Katrinis K. (2018)
      This demonstrator showcases the hardware and software integration achieved by the dReDBox project [1] towards realization of a novel architecture using dynamically-reconfigurable optical interconnects to create a flexible, ...
    • Demonstration of NFV for mobile edge computing on an optically disaggregated datacentre in a box 

      Enrico M., Mishra V., Saljoghei A., Bielski M., Pap E., Syrigos I., De Dios O.G., Theodoropoulos D., Pnevmatikatos D.N., Reale A., Syrivelis D., Zervas G., Parsons N., Katrinis K. (2018)
      This demonstrator showcases the hardware and software integration achieved by the dReDBox project [1] towards realization of a novel architecture using dynamically-reconfigurable optical interconnects to create a flexible, ...
    • DRedDbox: Demonstrating disaggregated memory in an optical data centre 

      Saljoghei A., Mishra V., Bielski M., Syrigos I., Katrinis K., Syrivelis D., Reale A., Pnevmatikatos D.N., Theodoropoulos D., Enrico M., Parsons N., Zervas G. (2018)
      This paper showcases the first experimental demonstration of disaggregated memory using the dRedDbox optical Data Centre architecture. Experimental results demonstrate the 4-tier network scalability and performance of the ...
    • dRedDbox: Demonstrating disaggregated memory in an optical Data Centre 

      Saljoghei A., Mishra V., Bielski M., Syrigos I., Katrinis K., Syrivelis D., Reale A., Pnevmatikatos D.N., Theodoropoulos D., Enrico M., Parsons N., Zervas G. (2018)
      This paper showcases the first experimental demonstration of disaggregated memory using the dRedDbox optical Data Centre architecture. Experimental results demonstrate the 4-tier network scalability and performance of the ...
    • First demonstration of service-differentiated converged optical sub-wavelength and LTE/WiFi networks over GEANT 

      Rofoee, B. R.; Katsalis, K.; Yan, Y.; Shu, Y.; Korakis, T.; Tassiulas, L.; Tzanakaki, A.; Zervas, G.; Simeonidou, D. (2015)
      A converged optical-wireless testbed is formed integrating TSON sub-wavelength networking in UK and the NITOS wireless solution in Greece. End-to-end service provisioning and flow differentiation are demonstrated across ...
    • Performance and Channel Modeling Optimization for Hovering UAV-Assisted FSO Links 

      Guo W., Zhan Y., Tsiftsis T.A., Yang L. (2022)
      Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)-assisted free-space optical (FSO) communication has become a promising solution in both civil and military applications. Nevertheless, hovering UAV-assisted FSO links suffer from several losses ...
    • Scheduling Algorithms for Optical Packet Fabrics 

      Kar, K.; Stiliadis, D.; Lakshman, T. V.; Tassiulas, L. (2003)
      Utilizing optical technologies to build packet fabrics for high-capacity switches and routers has several advantages in terms of scalability, power consumption, and cost. However, several technology related problems have ...