• The challenge of improving credibility of user-generated content in online social networks 

      Haralabopoulos G., Anagnostopoulos I., Zeadally S. (2016)
      In every environment of information exchange, Information Quality (IQ) is considered one of the most important issues. Studies in Online Social Networks (OSNs) analyze a number of related subjects that span both theoretical ...
    • Hadoop-based distributed k-shell decomposition for social networks 

      Pechlivanidou K., Katsaros D., Tassiulas L. (2017)
      Complex network analysis comprises a popular set of tools for the analysis of online social networks. Among these techniques, k-shell decomposition of a network is a technique that has been used for centrality analysis, ...
    • On the information diffusion between web-based social networks 

      Haralabopoulos G., Anagnostopoulos I. (2015)
      The topic of Information diffusion has been in the centre of sociology interest for many years. Even before the rise of Online Social Networks (OSNs), social ties and the way the information flows have been studied in ...
    • Query expansion with a little help from twitter 

      Anagnostopoulos, I.; Razis, G.; Mylonas, P.; Anagnostopoulos, C. N. (2013)
      With the advent and rapid spread of microblogging services, web information management finds a new research topic. Although classical information retrieval methods and techniques help search engines and services to present ...
    • Testing scalability and performance of decentralized on-line social networks 

      Goutsias K., Spathoulas G., Anagnostopoulos I. (2016)
      During the last years, a lot of research has been conducted in the field of Decentralized Online Social Networks (DOSNs). Due to limited dependency on a dedicated central-based infrastructure, such kind of social networking ...