Πλοήγηση ανά Θέμα "Multi-modal"
Αποτελέσματα 1-4 από 4
Gene prioritization for inference of robust composite diagnostic signatures in the case of melanoma
(2013)An integrated dataset originating from multi-modal datasets can be used to target underlying causal biological actions that through a systems level process trigger the development of a disease. In this study, we use an ... -
Multimodal Video Summarization based on Fuzzy Similarity Features
(2022)The continuously growing number of user-generated videos has increased the need for efficient browsing through content collections and repositories, which in turn requires descriptive, yet compact representations. To this ... -
Multimodal Workplace Monitoring for Human Activity Recognition
(2021)The aim of this work is to design and implement a system that deals with the recognition of human behavior on issues of mental nature. Since the "invasion"of technology in human daily life is continuously growing, a plethora ... -
The VISOR project: Virtual coachIng Services for OldeR adults
(2019)In this paper we present an approach for providing virtual coaching services for older adults, in the context of the VISOR project. In brief, coaching consists a method for development, involving a coach and a learner ...