Πλοήγηση ανά Θέμα "Management"
Αποτελέσματα 1-20 από 62
Autonomic cache management in Information-Centric Networks
(2012)Recent research efforts in the area of future networks indicate Information-Centric Networking (ICN) as the dominant architecture for the Future Internet. The main promise of ICN is that of shifting the communication ... -
Bridge health monitoring for egnatia Odos Bridge Management System
(2006)In Northern Greece the largest and most challenging Greek project of design, supervision, construction, operation, maintenance and exploitation is currently taking place. This is the Egnatia Motorway project. With the major ... -
Buprenorphine and Methadone as Opioid Maintenance Treatments for Heroin-Addicted Patients Induce Oxidative Stress in Blood
(2019)Buprenorphine and methadone are two substances widely used in the substitution treatment of patients who are addicted to opioids. Although it is known that they partly act efficiently towards this direction, there is no ... -
A chance-constrained based stochastic dynamic traffic assignment model: Analysis, formulation and solution algorithms
(2006)This paper is concerned with the system optimum-dynamic traffic assignment (SO-DTA) problem when the time-dependent demands are random variables with known probability distributions. The model is a stochastic extension of ... -
Clinical applications of intracranial pressure monitoring in traumatic brain injury
(2014)Intracranial pressure (ICP) monitoring has been for decades a cornerstone of traumatic brain injury (TBI) management. Nevertheless, in recent years, its usefulness has been questioned in several reports. A group of ... -
Comparison and assessment of the monitoring data of two REMOS stations in Nestos and Pagoneri for the year 2004. The base for an integrated water management
(2009)The monitoring results of two "REMOS" telemetric stations, in River Nestos, are compared. The first one is situated at the Nestos Delta, near Hrisoupoli (Remote Station - RS "Nestos"), and the second one is situated at the ... -
Comprehensive model for upgrading two-lane road network
(2012)Concept: Trough rational approach adapted to the actual condition and needs of national and regional network; a Road Upgrading Management model has been elaborated providing the optimum upgrading strategy in each case. ... -
A conditional directional distance function approach for measuring regional environmental efficiency: Evidence from UK regions
(2013)This paper, by using conditional directional distance functions as introduced by Simar and Vanhems [J. Econometrics 166 (2012) 342-354] modifies the model by Fare and Grosskopf [Eur. J. Operat. Res. 157 (2004) 242-245] and ... -
Conservation policies for protected areas (wetlands) in Greece: A survey of local residents' attitude
(2004)This study was carried out in 32 communities neighbouring four Ramsar wetlands in Northern Greece. In particular, it concerns the study of local residents' attitude regarding the ways of management and exploitation of the ... -
Customers' cognitive patterns of assurance: a dual approach
(2013)Assurance has been identified as a key service quality dimension but has not attracted theoretical and empirical attention on a distinct basis. The present pilot study adopts both qualitative and quantitative methods to ... -
A demonstration of a management tool for assessing channel quality information in wireless testbeds
(2011)The gradually growing need for testbed use so as networking algorithms to be validated in real environment, has given rise to optimal utilization of testbed resources. Towards this direction, we present a new management ... -
Determinants of hazard confronting new entry: Does financial structure matter?
(2000)This paper attempts to identify the determinants of hazard confronting 219 new manufacturing firms established in 1982-84 and followed up to 1992 using a Cox regression model. Three sets of variables are combined in the ... -
Development and utilization of human resource in the municipalities of Greece: The case of Trikala municipality
(2014)Chronic pathology suffering from the Greek government, especially local government and the reform imposed by the local municipalities program of Kallikratis combined with the economic crisis and the troika are the main ... -
Diagnosis and management of chronic coronary artery disease
(2007)Coronary artery disease (CAD) usually coexists with atherosclerosis of other arterial trees and is accelerated by several risk factors. It may remain asymptomatic for a long period affecting the vessel wall with no lumen ... -
Distribute, store and retrieve management policies in wireless ad-hoc networks using the content delivery publish/subscribe paradigm
(2009)Policy management is a management paradigm that has been extensively studied for the case of fixed networks but limited work can be found for migrating it to mobile environments. It enables dynamic adaptation of the network ... -
Distributed cache management in information-centric networks
(2013)The main promise of current research efforts in the area of Information-Centric Networking (ICN) architectures is to optimize the dissemination of information within transient communication relationships of endpoints. ... -
The DPSIR Approach for an Integrated River Management Framework. A Preliminary Application on a Mediterranean Site (Kalamas River -NW Greece)
(2012)The European Water Policy introduced the necessity to apply new methodological approaches for the sustainable management of water resources. In the present paper the Driving-Pressure-State-Impact-Response (DPSIR) framework ... -
Efficiency dynamics in Indian banking: A conditional directional distance approach
(2015)The paper contributes to the contemporary research on bank efficiency in India. We analyze the efficiency dynamics of the Indian banking industry from 2004 to 2012. Based on the recent methodological developments of the ... -
Estimating the optimal order quantity and the maximum expected profit for single-period inventory decisions
(2010)The paper considers the classical single-period inventory model, also known as the Newsboy Problem, with the demand normally distributed and fully observed in successive inventory cycles. The extent of applicability of ...