• An efficient algorithm for bulk-loading xBR+-trees 

      Roumelis G., Vassilakopoulos M., Corral A., Manolopoulos Y. (2018)
      A major part of the interface to a database is made up of the queries that can be addressed to this database and answered (processed) in an efficient way, contributing to the quality of the developed software. Efficiently ...
    • The iMuse virtual museum: Towards a cultural education platform 

      Fevgas, A.; Fraggogiannis, N.; Tsompanopoulou, P.; Bozanis, P. (2014)
      In the recent years, there is an extremely growing interest for the digitalization of museums through the utilization of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). A virtual museum platform, named iMuse is presented ...
    • MRSLICE: Efficient RkNN Query Processing in SpatialHadoop 

      García-García F., Corral A., Iribarne L., Vassilakopoulos M. (2019)
      Nowadays, with the continuously increasing volume of spatial data, it is difficult to execute spatial queries efficiently in spatial data-intensive applications, because of the limited computational capability and storage ...
    • Reducing the mission time of drone applications through location-aware edge computing 

      Kasidakis T., Polychronis G., Koutsoubelias M., Lalis S. (2021)
      In data-driven applications, which go beyond simple data collection, drones may need to process sensor measurements at certain locations, during the mission. However, the onboard computing platforms typically have strong ...
    • RkNN query processing in distributed spatial infrastructures: A performance study 

      García-García F., Corral A., Iribarne L., Vassilakopoulos M. (2017)
      The Reverse k-Nearest Neighbor (RkNN) problem, i.e. finding all objects in a dataset that have a given query point among their corresponding k-nearest neighbors, has received increasing attention in the past years. RkNN ...
    • User modeling for pedestrian navigation services 

      Kikiras, P.; Tsetsos, V.; Papataxiarhis, V.; Katsikas, T.; Hadjiefthymiades, S. (2009)
      Human-centered and user-adaptive systems are at the heart of the Design for All and Ambient Intelligence concepts. Evidently, user models are necessary "ingredients" of such systems. We present a user model for navigation ...