Πλοήγηση ανά Θέμα "Installation"
Αποτελέσματα 1-4 από 4
Energy performance optimization of a house with grid-connected rooftop pv installation and air source heat pump
(2021)The use of air source heat pump systems for space heating and cooling is a convenient retrofitting strategy for reducing building energy costs. This can be combined with the rooftop installation of photovoltaic panels, ... -
Identification of Suitable Locations in a Small Water Supply Network for the Placement of Water Quality Sensors Based on Different Criteria under Demand-Driven Conditions
(2022)Drinking water quality monitoring in real time is of utmost importance to ensure public health. Although water utilities, following the related legislative framework, monitor drinking water quality through samplings, the ... -
Liner wrinkling in offshore steel lined pipes during reeling installation
(2021)A three-dimensional numerical model of a mechanically bonded lined pipe is developed, simulating its structural response during the reeling installation method. An installation/failure–repair scenario is considered with ... -
Structural response of steel lined pipes under cyclic bending
(2022)Motivated by reeling installation of mechanically-lined offshore steel pipes, the present paper investigates the structural performance of a bi-material lined pipe under cyclic bending, using advanced finite element tools. ...