Πλοήγηση ανά Θέμα "Input estimation"
Αποτελέσματα 1-6 από 6
Bayesian optimal estimation for output-only nonlinear system and damage identification of civil structures
(2018)This paper presents a new framework for output-only nonlinear system and damage identification of civil structures. This framework is based on nonlinear finite element (FE) model updating in the time-domain, using only the ... -
A dual Kalman filter approach for state estimation via output-only acceleration measurements
(2015)A dual implementation of the Kalman filter is proposed for estimating the unknown input and states of a linear state-space model by using sparse noisy acceleration measurements. The successive structure of the suggested ... -
Joint estimation of states and input in linear structural dynamics
(2011)The problem of jointly estimating the input forces and states of a structure from a limited number of acceleration measurements is addressed. Utilizing a model-based joint input-state estimation algorithm originally developed ... -
Joint input-response estimation for structural systems based on reduced-order models and vibration data from a limited number of sensors
(2012)An algorithm is presented for jointly estimating the input and state of a structure from a limited number of acceleration measurements. The algorithm extends an existing joint input-state estimation filter, derived using ... -
A Nonlinear Model Inversion Method for Joint System Parameter, Noise, and Input Identification of Civil Structures
(2017)This paper presents a framework for nonlinear system identification of civil structures using sparsely measured dynamic output response of the structure. Using a sequential maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) approach, the ... -
Output-only schemes for joint input-state-parameter estimation of linear systems
(2015)The subject of predicting structural response, for control or fatigue assessment purposes, via output only vibration measurements is an emerging topic of Structural Health Monitoring. The subject of estimation of the states ...